How to Regulate your Emotions and NOT Suppress them

“Don’t try to force anything. Let life be a deep let-go. God opens millions of flowers every day without forcing their buds.” ~ Osho

Are you suppressing your emotions?

Anger, sadness, joy, and shame are all common feelings that play an important role in daily life. When people have a hard time expressing or accepting these feelings, they may be struggling with suppressed emotions. Sometimes suppressed emotions are part of the bigger picture, which could include substance use or mood disorders that need professional help to heal from.

Understanding Suppressed Emotions

Everyone at some time or the other in their life do suppress emotions. Sometimes, we may consciously or unconsciously choose to avoid experiencing certain emotions because we believe we are unable to handle them. In doing so, we push these emotions deep down within ourself.

However, it’s important to recognize that suppressing emotions is not a healthy coping mechanism. In fact, it can have negative consequences for mental, emotional and physical health.

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Self loving Self-talk to soothe Overwhelm and Anxiety {Self-love Series #4}

“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” ~ Buddha

Over the past month, we have talked on and on about self-love and how it is healing to our mental, emotional and spiritual health. But, one of the most imperative steps to beginning that self-love journey is healing our intenal dialogue aka our ‘inner critic’!

You know who that ‘inner critic’ is who I am talking about, dont you? You know how he/she sounds like. That voice in your head, that jumps in quickly to bring you down and make you get into an overwhelming and anxious state. It literally adds fuel to the fire of outside negative triggers. It not only exasperates your mind, but also your basic functionality. A simpler way of describing this inner critic is negative thinking.

Continue reading “Self loving Self-talk to soothe Overwhelm and Anxiety {Self-love Series #4}”

How Healing Happens through Self Love{Self-love Series #2}

In the last article of The Self Love Series we spoke of How Self-Care IS Self-Love {Self-love Series #1}. The natural second part of this series will dwell into How Healing Happens through Self Love.

“The wound is the place where the Light enters you.” ~Rumi

Do you feel like you are living in a pattern of self-sabotage? Do you feel like the past has a negative hold over you and is not letting you move froward?

We each live with many many scars on our heart and soul. Many we acknowledge, many we shove under the carpet of neglect while many others stay fresh and bring heart ache and pain so often it becomes purely unbearable.

What is the solution to this pain we either acknowledge or neglect? Why dont we allow our past scars to heal?

Continue reading “How Healing Happens through Self Love{Self-love Series #2}”