Are You Sacrificing Self Care for Your New Year’s Resolution?

Are You Sacrificing Self Care for Your New Year’s Resolution?Note: This is a guest post by the lovely Kaylee Rupp of!  Read, enjoy and show her some love in the comments. She has such a loving approach to life. 

It’s a New Year, and with it come the inevitable weight loss goals.

Only this time it’ll be different – you’ll eat five servings of veggies a day, workout six days a week and not one sweet will pass your lips. You’ve even set up a reward system – if you can do this, without fail, at the end of the week, you get a hot, luxurious bath. Or an afternoon alone at your favorite bookstore. Or [insert your favorite activity here].

Fast forward one week and your willpower has run out (we only have so much of it, y’know). Not only has one sweet passed your lips, but also a #6 combo from your favorite fast food place. You feel ashamed, defeated, and you definitely aren’t giving yourself that bath. You didn’t earn it. Continue reading “Are You Sacrificing Self Care for Your New Year’s Resolution?”