Why is happiness a choice? PLUS 8 ways to choose happiness daily

“The greatest discovery of any generation is that a human can alter his life by altering his attitude.”~ William James

Do you think you can really choose happiness?

In reality, choosing happiness is simple. You either choose it or not. It boils down to choosing it every single day.

So, if happiness is a choice, how do we go about choosing it?

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How a Cozy and Calm life helps you heal

“There is more to life than increasing its speed.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Embracing the simple and slow moments is what a cozy life is all about. Shifting the mind into a lower gear can bring better health, inner calm, enhanced concentration and the ability to think more creatively.

In the last article we tried to understand the different kinds of REST and how it is so important for our mental, emotional and spiritual health. To take that energy a step further, lets now understand what it means to live a calm and cozy life.

Understanding a Cozy life

“Enjoying or affording warmth and ease; marked by or providing contentment or comfort,” is the definition of cozy according to Merriam-Webster.

There is a healing appeal to living a cozy life. Which I feel is the need of today for us all. The world usually promotes being productive and staying on top of the hustle culture. In the recent years side hustles are what people are infusing their energy into. There are a variety of self-help books/youtube channels/tiktoks on how to be successful or increase your income. The unfortunate gist of this trend is to keep up the hard work, stay in the rat race, keep on grinding, and eventually it will pay off. There’s one big component missing in this hustle culture though, and that is to truly love the life you live by taking time to slow down and enjoy the simple, cozy moments that bring you true happiness.

And lets be honest with ourselves, who is actually happy and healed constantly hustling and running in the rat race? I know I am not and could never be. It would actually stress me out to the max!

What is a Cozy life then?

Continue reading “How a Cozy and Calm life helps you heal”

Understanding REST: A Holistic and Healing Approach

We humans have lost the wisdom of genuinely resting and relaxing. We worry too much. We don’t allow our bodies to heal, and we don’t allow our minds and hearts to heal. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

Do you think that sleeping is actually resting? Or rather when the word rest comes to mind, is sleep or taking a nap the only way you understand it?

You may be sleeping…but are you actually resting?

“I’m so exhausted and nothing is helping” is an actual concern in today’s society. Exhaustion is a real thing. Unfortunately, sleep alone doesn’t fix the issue. In fact, only focusing on sleep may increase burnout because other key areas of rest have not been attended to.

In my line of work I speak to and counsel so many souls who are somewhat new to the healing, wellness and personal development space — and one of the things that usually comes up in our conversations is “rest.” Or the lack of it, which is causing an imbalance in their healing journey.

Physical rest is something you are surely familiar with and you may have also heard of mental rest. But do you know that there are many types of rest (other than sleeping) that you should be prioritizing for your well-being and mental health?  

If you’ve been feeling unwell, tired, fatigued, cranky, irritated but can’t figure out why, you’re going to want to read this article!

Continue reading “Understanding REST: A Holistic and Healing Approach”