How to Regulate your Emotions and NOT Suppress them

“Don’t try to force anything. Let life be a deep let-go. God opens millions of flowers every day without forcing their buds.” ~ Osho

Are you suppressing your emotions?

Anger, sadness, joy, and shame are all common feelings that play an important role in daily life. When people have a hard time expressing or accepting these feelings, they may be struggling with suppressed emotions. Sometimes suppressed emotions are part of the bigger picture, which could include substance use or mood disorders that need professional help to heal from.

Understanding Suppressed Emotions

Everyone at some time or the other in their life do suppress emotions. Sometimes, we may consciously or unconsciously choose to avoid experiencing certain emotions because we believe we are unable to handle them. In doing so, we push these emotions deep down within ourself.

However, it’s important to recognize that suppressing emotions is not a healthy coping mechanism. In fact, it can have negative consequences for mental, emotional and physical health.

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Positive Steps to Start Regulating Your Emotions

As humans, we’re emotional creatures. The career path we take, the films we enjoy, the art we’re drawn to is all influenced by our emotions. Emotions help us choose our friends, those whom we fall in love and stay with for our entire lives…also those whom we’ll leave behind.

Yes, our emotions have power. Emotional intelligence is the ability to harness that power–to understand and manage emotions, so that you can make decisions that are in harmony with your core values and principles.

But we can’t attain true emotional intelligence till we learn to regulate our emotions.

Regulating your emotions is the ability to control your behavior, emotions, and thoughts in the pursuit of long-term goals. More specifically, emotional self-regulation refers to the ability to manage difficult emotions and impulses—in other words, to think before acting.

Regulating your emotions also involves the ability to bounce back from disappointment and to act in a way consistent with your core values.

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6 Signs You are Stuck in a People-Pleasing cycle& How to Heal from it

“Care about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner. ~ Lao Tzu

People-pleasing is a common coping mechanism humans use to fit in to their surroundings. Most of the time we develop the habit of people pleasing because of our need to protect ourselves from negative emotions. It shows up in a pattern of behaviours that, on the surface, make us seem ‘nice, sweet, flexible, very understanding and agreeable’.

Confession: I am a reforming people-pleaser myself. So, I know first hand that Empaths and Sensitive souls suffer from people-pleasing the most.

While being kind and helpful is generally a good thing, going too far to please others can leave you feeling emotionally depleted, stressed, and anxious.

We really want people’s approval and to stay in their good books, which often results in us neglecting or not even being aware of our own needs.

Because of our need to please others, we struggle to set boundaries and tend to overcommit, leading to overwhelm, anxiety and burnout.

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