4 Ways of Calming Life’s Chaos

Photo by S Migaj on Pexels.com

“It’s all about finding the calm in the chaos.” ~ Donna Karan

Life is So rich, so stimulating, so amazing! I love how life thrives in me and around me. There are opportunities and activities going on everywhere around me and I feel like a kid at a carnival, wondering which game to play first. Its an amazing feeling to be immersed in the wide tapestry of life and enjoy its colors fully. There is wonder and awe everywhere if we choose to see it that way.

But, while life can be full of all things amazing, it can also be full of unmanageable tension when our mind is going so many places at once. That’s inner chaos for you. On the outside, it all feels doable, approachable, delicious even…but on the inside there is indecisiveness, stress, anxiety and tension.

Sounds familiar?

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