Note to Self: Take Your Time

In case you need to hear it today, it’s absolutely ok to follow your own heart, live according to your own timeline, and in your own unique way.

Nobody else can do that for you. Only YOU can.

That’s a fact I keep learning to accept, whenever I think about all the books I still want to write. Or anytime I’m out for my walk and my body tells me to go slower.

I’m so driven by the end result, that sometimes, I feel like I need to be running at hyper speed to get stuff done. When in reality that only adds to my angst. My almost 17 year old’s favorite thing to calm me down is saying: Chill ma. chill.

Instantly I can feel myself actually calming down, because I know she can see me in hyper running mode(even if I can’t).

But progress is a slow burn. And that can be a hard pill to swallow.

We forget that fact so easily as we live our lives, isn’t it?

What inspired me to write this quick “note to self” is this weekend, when I noticed some achievements from Medium and Substack simultaneously. I noticed that on Medium I’ve written 100+ articles.

Might not seem like a major thing for you guys, but for me, to consistently sit and write, with all my other life commitments is a huge accomplishment. I am so happy to see those achievements and also love that the Subscriber base for my Newsletter is increasing quickly. So fun!

Please Subscribe by Email below👇(incase you have not already), to receive the latest and join in on the Healing Journey we are on.


Now I’m trying very hard to stop looking for the next thing to do before fully appreciating how far I’ve come. I mean, it’s been a hell of a ride to get here… To streamline my online work and establish myself.

My brother and everyone else who knows me often tell me: “You can’t do something every second of every day.” My hyper mode says YES, but my gentle healing heart knows I need to chill it.

Note to self: Listen to these loves ofcourse 🙂

If you listen carefully, life will keep trying to tell you that healing is a slow melt, and taking your time can take you much further. And believe me THAT is a beautiful thing.

If you’re anything like me, please read this note to (my)self and try not to be too hard on yourself.

We are all on this journey together. You are not alone. I’m trying too.

Note To Self: Take Your Time

It’s Okay to Take Your Time. It’s okay to live your life. It’s okay to finish your projects in your own good time. It’s okay to practice patience and trust along the way.

It’s okay if you want to do it right but do it right by you. It’s okay to take care of yourself without screaming it to the world.

It’s okay if you need to rest. It’s okay if you need a break, sometimes even from what you love.

It’s okay not to have all the answers for everything. It’s okay not to be part of the race. Everything is okay.

It’s Also okay to Live in the In-Between Places. It’s okay if you want to do things differently. It’s okay if you don’t like what everyone else likes.

It’s okay if your life doesn’t look like you thought it would. It’s okay to change your direction, your mind and your priorities.

It’s okay if you feel all sorts of things all at the same time. Its okay to be human. It’s okay if you don’t feel like explaining yourself to anyone.

It’s okay to be humble and still walk with your head held high. It’s always okay to start over again and again. It’s okay if you need more time. It’s okay.

It’s Okay to Be yourself. It’s okay to be your own best friend and guardian. It’s okay not to feel your best when other people do. It’s okay to feel good about your own life even when someone else is struggling.

It’s okay to feel good about who you are. It’s okay not to be what other people expect of you. It’s okay if you are still figuring it all out.

It’s okay if all you can do right now is breathe. It’s okay, sometimes, to just be.

You’re okay.

Just as it’s okay for flowers to bloom at different times of the year, you will bloom too.

Share your thoughts: What are you willing to say “it’s okay” to today in your life?

💌 Thank you SO much for your presence here! I appreciate it! 
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7 thoughts on “Note to Self: Take Your Time

  1. Perfectly said. And your 17yo is wise for her years. Yes, it’s ok to live the life the way we want to. To not conform, to go against the norm, to seek ease, fun and joy. To relinquish hardship and struggle and to take our time. It’s all okay. Wonderful post Zeenat. 💗

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