Your Magical Smile

Smile though your heart is aching

Smile even though it’s breaking

When there are clouds in the sky, you’ll get by

If you smile through your fear and sorrow

Smile and maybe tomorrow
You’ll see the sun come shining through for you

Light up your face with gladness
Hide every trace of sadness

Although a tear may be ever so near
That’s the time you must keep on trying

Smile, what’s the use of crying?
You’ll find that life is still worthwhile

If you just smile

~Words by john turner and geoffrey parsons~

Sometimes, its hard to smile. But those are the times your complete being needs that magical smile the most….to heal, to understand, to grasp, to re-live. Its in that moment you will realize what a magical gift your smile is, for yourself and for all those around you.

What about you? When was the last time it was hardest for YOU to Smile, but you still did? Share your thoughts, your moments in the comments below…even if its anonymously. Who knows, your smiling moments of strength, will be a source of inspiration to others who read them.
Thank you for reading 🙂

With Immense Love & Gratitude,
Counseling Psychologist/Spiritual Counselor
Motivational Speaker/Naturopath

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20 thoughts on “Your Magical Smile

  1. supernalsteve

    Heh Zeenat – thanks for posting this. Smiles work wonders – both for those on the receiving end and for ourselves. I read somewhere once that we should try to smile at least 5 times a day – and see what happens. Anyway I’m smiling right now so your post has had a positive effect on me!

    1. HI Steve!,
      Awesome to see you here this beautiful Sunday 🙂
      Similes do work wonders…and believe me if we can all consciously smile right from the heart 5 times daily…all our issues would be completely healed.
      Glad this had a positive impact on you 🙂
      Than you fro your thoughtful comment here.
      Much Love~

  2. Hi Zeenat .. now actually .. life can be full of body blows you don’t expect .. honestly .. it’s a pain – but there it is .. move on .. but I love the post .. magical smile from my mother is what makes it worth while .. Thanks – love and hugs across the universe .. Hilary xoxox

    1. Hi Hilary,
      Ohh I can only imagine how your mothers smile could be so so healing to you. Mothers and daughter do share this amazing bond.
      Thank you fro you beautiful comment here. And do tell your mum I said Hi 🙂
      Much love~

  3. Hi Z,
    I woke thinking today it’s a little hard to smile..But this is the day I am given, so smile I shall..even through my tears.
    Thank you for the inspiration..and by the way inspiration is everywhere when I open my heart to it.. Little nudges from the Universe to say I see you little one, walk through this part and all will be well..
    It’s been a week of huge release for me..and yesterday had to do with two friendships I’d been hoping to “keep”..I know its all for “greater good/clearing space” so I move through and give my heart time to adjust..Fittingly, it’s going to rain in a bit..then the sun shall be back, bright as my smile:)

    1. Hi Joy,
      Shiny is all you fro sure. And when things are let go of….its an instant feel good. We might contemplate about it…but the actual release is where the healing begins.
      May you smile today and always …
      Much love~

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  5. John

    Just a bit of trivia:
    I just watched a dvd of the Charlie Chaplin film Modern Times, and in the supplemental material on the disc, it is revealed that the original music of the tune you mention in this post was written by Chaplin for this film in the 1930’s. Approximately twenty years or so later, these lyrics were put to it to make the memorable pop hit. They really do seem to embody the spirit of the film and indeed of Charlie Chaplin himself.

  6. Hi Zeenat,

    This is beautiful and it goes in line with something I saw yesterday while watching “Eat, Pray, Love” when the character was told to smile during her meditation, not just with her mouth, but whole body, smile with the mouth, face, even liver!

    I love it! I think often we can at least push ourselves to smile, but what an amazing thing to work on those even deeper smiles, that make our whole BEING smile!

    That is my goal for 2011 🙂

    1. Hi Evita,
      I saw that movie too..and loved it! Especially that part about the smile 🙂 But, while writing this, it never popped in my head…and now when you reminded me..its all i can think about 🙂
      And you know…you are the only one who caught my emphasis on the word “being”! When we wholly smile…its a completely blissful experience.I will join you with this smiley goal for 2011.
      Thank you for your amazing comment here.
      Much love~

  7. Love the post and also Evita’s comment. My liver is beaming! Sometimes our mind will follow our body. When we smile, the muscle movements tell our brain that we are happy. And the brain believes it!

    There are so many times throughout the day when we can choose to smile rather than frown. I realized at one point that I often have sort of a mild scowl on my face, not because I’m in a bad mood, but maybe because I’m thinking about something. I decided I can think just as effectively with a smile!

    And we know that smiles are contagious. In this season of flu and colds, we can spread a few happiness germs.

    Thanks for the reminder–and the great photo to go with it.

    1. Hi Galen,
      I love the idea of spreading happiness germs 🙂 Considering I’ve just come out of the flu….;)
      But you are so right…our body our whole being responds to our smile almost instantly and magically.
      May your liver and all your other parts beam smiley always…
      Much love~

  8. I can relate to what Joy said above about having to release two friendships this week. I also have had to release a friendship today. But deep in my inner self there’s still joy — still reasons to smile at life. Blessings!

    1. Hi TIna,
      Release brings about an immense level of healing within us. Hence although it might seem like a painful experience…its actually is a healing one. The smile is exactly like that…
      Thank you fro your lovely comment here.
      Much Love~

  9. mykmth

    One thing in the world that is very precious is a smile from the heart,for which you do not need to spend at the same time you may earn a friend.
    All the Best

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