Soulful Alchemy: Transformative Poems for The Soul by Jenny Garufi~Book Review&Author Interview

“Poetry has also been my therapy. It has helped me process some of the grief after losing my mom as well as helped me integrate some life lessons.” ~ Jenny Garufi

I love how from the beginning of this book, Jenny’s poems nudged my heart to grow bigger and warmer. The positive loving energy of her poetry is transformative to the heart and soul…and such a welcome gift in a world where vulnerability and authenticity is seen as a weakness rather than a strength.

“Gratitude is the seed
That helps our joy to grow
It plants love and appreciation
Connecting us to flow.
People tend to focus
On negativity and what is wrong
But that feeds disempowerment, weakness
Instead of feeling empowered and strong.”
a few lines from the Gratitude poem by Jenny Garufi|Soulful Alchemy

Jenny’s poems cover topics like gratitude, grief, healing, oneness, chakras. energy and self worth. Each poem more beautiful than the other and each deeply moving and inspiring.

I highly recommend this book of poems to every heart in this beautiful world….simply because not only does it take you back to YOU, but Jenny’s journey gives you beautiful wisdom to make your journey inward a more spiritually nurturing one.

I had the immense pleasure of asking Jenny a few questions about her NEW book. Below is the interview. Read and be blown away. Enjoy darlings!

Interview with Jenny Garufi author of Soulful Alchemy: Transformative Poems for The Soul

What sparked the thought of writing this healing poetry book?

I have always written poetry. Both my parents wrote poetry. It has always been a method of processing and also gifting to others. I had never thought of publishing my poetry in a book form. A good friend, and fellow author Seana Zelazo in a conversation said I was such a prolific writer – and my poetry helped my clients – why not gather them into a book?  When I went and searched my poetry folder and found I had written over 40 in the last few years. It seemed like it was meant to be.

While writing your book, what was the most challenging part?

I had been a published author before so the toughest part was deciding to self publish. How to edit, format and get the book ready for sale was the challenging part. Along with feeling vulnerable. These poems, especially some, are very personal to me.  There was a “letting go” and surrendering that needed to happen in order for me to publish them.

Your poetry stems from very personal experiences. Did the words just flow?

My poems always come through in a few minutes.. tops 1/2 hour. If I NEED to think about it – it means it is not in flow and it is not time to write. When it comes to harder topics like writing about my abuser, the emotions come too and it is navigating that and showing up with compassion for myself which allows me to continue even through the pain. I often get a few words or an idea and know it is time to sit down and write.

Do you have a message for the readers of your book?

Just like in all my work I want the readers to know they are not alone. Life has so many challenges but if we approach ourselves and others with compassion and love we can truly get through anything. There is no right or wrong way to read this book. You can open to any page or browse the titles and see which one is calling to you.

Which is your most favorite poem from Soulful Alchemy and Why?

I think my favorite poem is The Observer (Your Soul). It came through me in about 10 minutes. It was words I needed and still need to hear. It has offered clients much peace and a feeling of being seen. We are so hard on ourselves. Often we are our biggest critic instead of our greatest cheerleader. Yet our souls know how perfect we are and how worthy we are of a beautiful, joy filled life. I feel this poem encapsulates that message well with a whole lotta love.  I also feel the poem Sister and Brothers is perfect for this time.

Who do you think would benefit from this amazing collection of poems?

I feel anyone who wants to reflect on life can benefit. Whether it be reflection on grief, on life itself, on how they talk to themselves or on the chakras.  There is something for everyone in this book. I feel it can inspire introspection and some journaling too! 

Thank you so much for having me Zeenat!  It has been beautiful to be on this journey with you now for almost 20 years!

Jenny, the pleasure is all mine ❤ May you continue to shine your light ❤

About Jenny Garufi Author of Soulful Alchemy: Transformative Poems for The Soul

Jenny Garufi, emerged from a healing experience that dissolved seven years of illness in just three weeks, sparking her profound life purpose. In the last 18 years she has been dedicated to gathering tools. She is an internationally acclaimed author, speaker, teacher, and healer. Jenny empowers individuals with accessible tools, fostering self-love and self-worth, while dismantling obstacles to attract aligned relationships and life circumstances. Her latest book, “Soulful Alchemy: Transformative Poems for The Soul” offers readers inspiration and a way to connect more deeply. Her work with Self Worth Now is helping many to reclaim their self worth so they can live their lives to their fullest potential. 

Soulful Alchemy: Transformative Poems for The Soul
Click below to get your copy of this gorgeous collection of soulful poems NOW!

Grab your paperback version here☝️

Grab your KINDLE version here☝️

I hope you all enjoyed getting to know the brilliant and very loving Jenny Garufi. I encourage you to look

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6 thoughts on “Soulful Alchemy: Transformative Poems for The Soul by Jenny Garufi~Book Review&Author Interview

  1. Thank you so much Zeenat! What an honor to be you guest! Thank you for your kind words about my poems. I hope that all that read get to gain insights and a little more compassion for themselves. Sending so much love!

  2. Hi Zeenat, thanks for the introduction to the lovely Jenny and for a glimpse into her book of poetry. The Observor sounds like a particularly wonderful poem and the opening lines from her Gratitude poem deeply resonated. I think any words that are penned quickly and from the heart always speak to us. Sending love and gratitude to you both. ❤️

    1. Thank you so much Miriam! I appreciate your very sweet comment. I agree – and feel words that come through usually resonate and are not only meant for the person they come through. Sending you much love!

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