Accepting Divine Grace~RAOKA

Whenever the word “Grace” comes to my mind, instantly its connected with Divinity..with blessings. There is immense power in Divine Grace.
It is a wondrous thing in our lives. It works in a quiet way, strengthening our hearts and making it possible to go on.


Last month i.e. September, I was in the midst of a shower of Grace.

To me Grace comes in many different packages. From being entrusted RAOKA {random acts of Kick Arse} to be my very own by Lori Luv, to celebrating my 33rd birthday, to announcing and starting my very own book, to accepting the gift of a brand new header from a dear friend, to my little girl speaking whole sentences….ahh…it was a blessed month. Mind you, its not that there weren’t any setbacks, cause there most certainly were. But Grace comes and works in magical ways, if and only if we are (a)open to it & (b) accepting to it. Rather than dwell on the negative, I chose to enjoy and accept the immense Grace that was all around me.

As our burdens weigh us down The Divine gives us grace. When our problems increase, The Divine sends strength. Afflictions are added, so The Divine adds mercy. Trials multiply, but so does Divine peace.

It’s a beautiful thing, isn’t it? It is not necessary for us to become overwhelmed in our grief and pain. No, we will never be immune to that in this life, but we can live, love and grow through the hardest times in our lives, because of Divine grace.

One thing I’ve learned though, is that Divine Grace will do us no good if we don’t accept it. Just as salvation is free and available, it’s useless to us if we do not accept it.

The Divine gives us Grace every day and every moment of our lives. It’s there in abundance for our use. But we have to accept it and be open to it.

There are people who can’t function on a day to day level because they’re overwhelmed by pain, or suffering of some kind. Frustrations keep them from understanding the grace of The Divine, and benefiting from it.
But grace cannot be given until we cast all our care on The Divine. Our burden is then replaced… by Divine Grace.
Sometimes, it’s not until we come to the end of ourselves… when our store of endurance is gone… when our strength has failed in an untimely way… when our hoarded resources have inevitably diminished and clean gone from us… that is when we realize that The Divine is all we need. And that’s when the complete magic of Divine Grace truly comes alive within us!

In our weakness we can become strong because of Divine Grace. Grace is powerful and precious.
But useless if it is not ours. Grace is ours to be accepted.

Divine Grace knows no measure.
Divine Power knows no boundary.
Divine Love knows no limit.
Divinity gives.
And gives.
And gives again.

Are we truly willing, open and accepting to Divine Grace?

“Call on Me, I answer You” ~The Holy Quran~

We do Call….but do we truly listen when the answer comes?

Now its your turn…What is your definition of Grace? What comes to mind when you think of Grace? Have you noticed Grace lately???
Share your thoughts in the comments below and be sure to sign up for RAOKA  🙂


What is RAOKA? How can “you” be a part of it?

The RAOKA mission seeks to remind us that Random Acts of Kick Arse happen all around us—and also to spread the spirit. Each month, us RAOKA team core members vote on a new theme based on your submissions.
On the first Wednesday of each month (US time zone) we invite everyone to post about what we’ve observed, passed along, or created. During the first ten days of the month, contact me with your theme ideas for the next month.
I’m the Caretaker& Loving Keeper of The RAOKA Crusade with my core team mate Gayze. Check out her GRACE post along with other crusader posts linked at the bottom of this post.
Thank you Lori for entrusting me this awesome mission and thank you to Sami for starting it! Love you both!
Raoka Logo created by Melissa

Be Involved in RAOKA!

If you’d like to become a Random Acts of Kick Arse Crusader—here’s your chance:

  1. Propose a theme by contacting me the first ten days of the month or simply follow along with our monthly themes and spread the Random Acts of Kick Arse!
  2. Write a post about what you have been up to and publish it on the first Wednesday of each month (for other parts of the world, check out your corresponding day here). If you would like a reminder emailed to you each month or would like more information, please contact me. If you don’t have a blog, you’re welcome to play along in the comments.
  3. When you see my RAOKA post published, add your details in the Comments below including the URL address of your own RAOKA post and the title of your blog. I will then create a link to your post for others to see what kind of Beautiful Random Acts you’ve been up to. You can copy – paste the other Raoka team mates links from below this post into your post and write a two line intro to what Raoka is all about in your posts footer. Also, Let your readers know that they can contact me anytime if they would like to be part of RAOKA too.
  4. I would love love love to have you on board 🙂 The more the merrier!
  5. Stay Tuned! Next month’s theme is “HUGS” as suggested by Eric Watermolen at Eden Journal...I can already feel all the cosmic hugs 🙂

Awesome RAOKA Crusaders and Their “GRACE” contributions(list will be updated hourly) :
Gayze @ Gayzehounds Animal Communications
Eric @ Eden Journal
M @ The Exception
Joshua @ Personal Development-One Mind at a Time

If I have missed any Participating Raoka team Mateys names in the above list, please let me know in the comments or tweet me. I will add your name ASAP 🙂 I love you all for being part of RAOKA! Woohoo!

See you all in the comments…mine & yours 🙂

With Immense Love & Gratitude,

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19 thoughts on “Accepting Divine Grace~RAOKA

  1. Beautiful post on Grace. I agree with your idea that being open to grace allows it to come in. I think the more we get into the practice of accepting grace and being thankful, the more it will flow.

    My RAOKA Grace post will go up later this afternoon after I get home from work.

    1. Hi Eric,
      Acceptance is such an important and pivotal component of truly appreciating Divine Grace. I’m glad you liked this post 🙂
      I have added you link to the list. I look forward to reading your thoughts and observations on Grace.
      Much love~

  2. Hi Zeenat! Yes, divine grace knows no measure but we have to allow it. I define grace as the universe (or God) talking to us and guiding us. I notice signs of grace all the time all day long. I feel blessed that the universe constantly supports me and provides for me.

    Thanks for this beautiful post. Loving blessings!

    1. HI Andrea,
      Isn’t it amazing, that once we truly allow for Grace to enter our lives, we can see and feel it work for us. Its so beautiful that you see signs of this Divine Grace all around you. You my friend are truly blessed…and better still you are allowing for so much abundance just by truly seeing.
      Thank you fro your amazing comment here.
      Much love~

  3. Hi Zeenat –
    This is a heart felt post. I love Grace as a theme and yet found it challenging to write about as to consider it is to consider life. It is like trying to count the stars or catch all the snowflakes on your tongue… Grace is beautiful and beyond definition.
    My post is up – Grace is…

    1. Hi M,
      I am with you…it was challenging at first for me too. But when I just sat and cleared my head of all the hum-drum…Grace just beautifully gave me clarity. More so cause I let it. I love how you said “It is like trying to count the stars or catch all the snowflakes on your tongue… Grace is beautiful and beyond definition.” I totally agree…..Grace cant be define…can just be felt.
      I’ve just linked to your post too 🙂
      Thank you for your beautiful thoughts on Grace.
      Much love~

  4. Hi Zeenat!
    Loved what you’ve done with the RAOKA baton. Sami and I absolutely love that it is passing to hand of such care and grace.
    Thanks for all you do and I’m sending a rives or grace your way.
    Much love!

    1. Hi Lori Luv,
      Lovely to see you here. I’m glad you stopped by..i was truly missing you 😦
      And thank you to you and to Sami for being such loving care takers for so long…I feel so good knowing I have such an amazing gift to share now.
      Love you loads~

  5. Pingback: RAOKA – Grace — Eden Journal

  6. Zeenat:

    I just wanted to say your post blew me away. I’m dealing with some very challenging times right now (parent with serious health issues), but your post really reminded me that grace is always there waiting to be accepted. These are dark days for me, yet grace is still there, shining. Thank you for sharing some beautiful words!

    1. HI Tim,
      Sorry to read about your parent’s health. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. Inshallah all will be well.
      There is always sunshine after the dark…and very soon you will see it. May you blessed with immense Grace.
      Glad you liked this 🙂
      Much love~

  7. Zeenat, This line is so deep and profound – “Are we truly willing, open and accepting to Divine Grace?” It’s something to really reflect upon. I appreciate the way you acknowledge the pain and suffering that naturally occurs in life and shows us ways to be with it. All my love to you!

  8. Very good post! I think of grace of unmerited favor and blessings bestowed upon a person! Grace is something that is something upon measure unlimited! Grace to me, is so beautiful and bright! This is so much to be thankful about thinking about grace! Thanks for posting this!

  9. Pingback: Healing HUGS Experiment~RAOKA~ « *POSITIVE PROVOCATIONS*

  10. Pingback: Can You See the WONDER~RAOKA « *POSITIVE PROVOCATIONS*

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