4 Simple Tips to Regain Inner Peace

“In times of quietness, our hearts should be like a tree,lifting their branches to heaven to draw down strength which they will need to face the storms that will surely come in life.”~Salesians of Don Bosco

When it comes to inner peace, we all automatically think we have it. If you truly ask yourself this very questions – “Am I peaceful NOW?” the answer often confuses us to a point of just forgetting about it.

What is inner peace?
Very simply its being without any kind of inner disturbance- mentally and emotionally. Its a state of being where you are completely calm and tranquil. No externals can hinder this state of being.

Now, think about it…do you truly live in a state of peacefulness? Usually our everyday life takes over our being so totally, that we forget about truly being at peace. Our monkey mind is constantly jumping..to the point that even when we sleep we see dreams of work or things we need to do…rather than beautiful scenes. Which only means one thing, our days are truly NOT peaceful. Its not always easy to calm our externals i.e. we are constantly bombarded with news of some kind of violence or something not so positive happening around in the world. But what you DO have control over is yourself. When we calm our mind, our thoughts, our complete being, we create in and around us a beautiful glow of positivity and peace. This glow works as a shield between our Inner peace and the external violence that surrounds us everyday.

Here are 4 Tips or habits which WILL help you to regain your inner peace and get that peaceful inner glow back-

4 Simple Tips to Regain Inner Peace:

1. Meditate everyday. Even if its for 5 minutes. Take out the time to breathe and just Be. “I discovered the secret of the sea in meditation upon a dewdrop.” kahlil Gibran

2. Engage in daily prayers. On a regular basis, take out the time to have a heart to heart with The Divine Maker. Share your day, lighten your load in that conversation. You will be amazed at how awesome you feel after it.

3. Read uplifting books. Our days are filled with reading newspapers and magazines, which bombard us with information. Not too much of this is actually uplifting to your spirit. Before going to bed, read a nice motivational or inspirational chapter. It calms your mind, uplifts you and will give you nice peaceful dreams.

4. Commune with Mother Nature-Get out for a 5 minute walk or stroll from your work day. Maybe take a short walk in the morning. Open your eyes and notice the green trees, the flowers, the birds, the beautiful sky, the butterflies. You will come back recharged, amazed and so beautifully calm.

Basically, the idea behind these tips is, that in some way, you need to try to remove yourself from the routine of the everyday world that invades your sense of inner peace. These tips help you do just that.

“Look within!…The secret is inside you.” ~Hui-neng

What about you? How do you regain your inner peace? DO you have any tips to share? Please share your wisdom in the comments below and share this article with your freinds and family.

Stay Tuned- This Wednesday we continue with the third part of the Know your True Self Series with – Knowing and honing Your Passions.

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With Immense Love & Gratitude,
Counseling Psychologist/Spiritual Counselor
Motivational Speaker/Naturopath

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photo credit Friman Hananda

37 thoughts on “4 Simple Tips to Regain Inner Peace

  1. I can’t get enough of you lately, Zeenat…..thank you for the reminders of the simple yet age-old wisdom….!! I will meditate again. I am burning incense right now and do that every day and it’s rather calming as I push through the blogosphere and all my tasks! But true meditation – I can’t seem to stay with it longer than a week…..!! Hold me to it please…..I’ll start again today!

  2. These are excellent tips Zeenat. Three of them are a part of my practice. If I may be so bold to suggest an addition that I include in my own practice, it would be spending 5 minutes contemplating an uplifting and empowering affirmation at the beginning of your day.

    At the end of every month I compile a list of 30 – 31 uplifting and empowering affirmations. I copy them onto 3 x 5 inch file cards and pack them around with me in my handbag. Some days I need to consider them again throughout the day. Other times they become conversation starters and I from time to time I have been known to give them to those I’m chatting with.

    Love and peace always,

    1. HI TiTi,
      I love that affirmations tip! The effort of making that list of affirmations in itself shows how much you are dedicated to your own personal growth. And then help all those around you too…wow..You are the best!
      I will have to add the habit too… 🙂
      Thank you fro shairng your amazing wisdom here TiTi 🙂
      Much Love~

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  4. Hi Zeenat,

    What a wonderful post my friend. If we just take a few minutes every day to clear our thougts and mind, our lives would be a lot better and we would be on the path to getting peace of mind. Praying is also crucial as it helps to relax us. Thanks for sharing

  5. Hello Zeenat. This is a great topic and your writing is wonderful as always. I personally regain inner peace through deep breathing and meditation exercises. It works so well when I need to restore peace of mind. Walking also works for me, but only when I walk in a serene environment (sans cars, buildings, etc).

    1. HI Nea,
      Deep breathing is one of the best methods to instantly release all negativity and fill your being with peace. Works amazingly well when coupled with meditation.
      You know you can space out the outside noise by just chanting or humming ..that way you can walk anywhere 🙂
      Glad you liked this post. Thank you for your lovely comment here.
      Much love~

  6. Zeenat,
    Meditation is something I’ve begun only recently (within the last few months). I start my day that way, and it’s become such a wonderful way to just start each day fresh (and at peace).
    Nature is also one which very much speaks to me. Just yesterday, I was outside, and there were several squirrels moving about. Just seeing them – it reminded me of how they just live in the moment. And it is good… And that too, bring extra peace – just soaking in all of the amazing nature within our world…

    1. HI Lance, Ahh…you just recently started meditation…its such a beautiful state of being na 🙂 I’m glad you are soaking in the beauty all around you. You my dear are already peace personified in all you share. There is already sucha calming energy about you…I can only imagine how much more peaceful you are gonna get..hmmmm
      Thank you for your sweet comment here.
      So Much Love~

  7. Hi Zeenat:

    I really enjoyed this post and the tips you shared. It comes at an important time for all of us. In addition to your four suggestions, I’ve discovered something that gives me inner peace. I love to learn and I discovered that when I spend 20 or 30 minutes listening to a seminar or book about an interesting topic – my mind becomes engaged in those ideas and I instantly gain a sense of inner peace. It’s tough to explain but it really works for me. Once again, great post!

    1. Hi Tim,
      I love your tip of learning! INfact thats the very reason the 3rd tip works so well…it motivates inspires and teaches the mind to focus on something positive. But listening to lectures is really an amazing tip. Thank you so so much for sharing and for your lovely comment.
      Much love~

  8. Your posts are always so beautiful Zeenat,

    I just love waking up to them.

    You are a gift to the world.

    Thank you so much for the great newsletter tips via email.

    1. HI Eva,
      What a beautiful surprise to see you here 🙂 Thank you fro stopping by and sharing your thoughts. I’m so happy that you like what I share here and in the newsletter. Let me know if you have any suggestions for topics I should write about.
      Really so lovely to see your words here. You are awesome!
      So Much Love to you~

  9. Zeenat,

    How did you know?

    I have lost my inner peace over the past few months. I can’t explain it. Can’t bring myself to meditate or do the other things that I know are healthy for my mind.

    Then I see this post and I’m gently reminded of what to do, how important it is. I’m printing and posting in a prominent place to remind me.

    Thank you


    1. Hi George,
      Firstly so awesome to see you beautiful smile here 🙂
      Secondly, I’m glad this post nudged you positively enough to print this out 🙂
      If you need to talk or vent..you know you can email me ..right 🙂
      May you regain your inner peace Asap!
      Thank you for sharing your beautiful thoughts here.
      Much love~

  10. Pingback: Blog Mastery Awards | Grow With Stacy

  11. Thanks Zeenat for these simple tips that we can do in our everyday daily life. I am 4 months pregnant and have been enjoying my 3’s very much.
    1.) Solitude
    2.) Silence
    3.) Stillness

    This is wonderful and a great reminder no matter what day, time, or how old.
    Thank you LOVE =)

    ps. I’m glad my friend Firman photo matches your post. It resonated with my being.

    1. HI Therese,
      Ahh the bliss of pregnancy…i remember my time…and believe me..it was the most beautiful time of my life. The cravings, the moods…but most of all the feeling and hearing the heart of a little angel beating inside you. I tell you…its heaven! I’m so happy for you.
      And your 3 S’s are so wonderful especially during this time. May you and your little angel be truly blessed.
      Much love~
      p.s. I love Firman’s work. Infact I took permission from him to use his pics on the blog..with due credit to him ofcourse. He is such a wonderful person. Thank you for introducing us.

  12. yes i agree with you, and I do those 4 things each day and recommend them to others too and i am so much more at peace when i do- the days i slip or miss things do not flow as easily

    love and peace


    1. Hi Suzie,
      See now I know why you are such an inspiration… you do all these 4 tips everyday! Wow wow and wow 🙂 I have much to learn from you dearest.
      You are right…when we forget to concentrate on our inner peace..things don’t flow that well all day.
      Lots of love to you~

  13. Subhash Bakshi

    Thanks for the wonderful tips to regain inner peace.I know troubles are inevitable and they will come, and also, our inner peace is the first causality.After trying many methods , i realised that what works for me is to go deep in to meditation and and converse with the Divine , what are you trying to teach me?Once i realize what He is trying to teach me my mind becomes calm, my inner peace is restored, and i am able to tackle the problem objectively.I firmly believe God never punishes us He is only trying to help us and evolve in to good human being just like Him.

    1. HI Subhash,
      You have found the best way to gain inner peace. No better way than the way of The Divine. What you have shared here is simply beautiful Thank you for sharing your beautiful thoughts here. I truly appreciate it.
      We are all constantly evolving…
      Much love~

  14. What a lovely, simple post full of truth. Your tips here are surefire winners and numbers one and two are what keep me sane on a daily basis. Thanks for the way you share. 🙂

    1. HI ClearlyComposed,
      So awesome that you are already practicing #1 & #2! You do know what inner peace is then 🙂 #3 & #4 come in handy in the middle of the day when things get a bit murky ..try them and let me know how you feel 🙂
      Lovely seeing you here and thank you fro your amazing comment.
      Much love~

  15. Hello Zeenat,
    Excellent tips (and article)

    I engage myself into these 4 tips daily basis in order to overcome the harshing “outside” inteaction with our world. In addition, I see it’s important that eveybody go for doing something that he/she enjoy other than the normal activities. For that matter, it is up to everybody to discover his/her hidden treasure.

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  17. Dearest Z, this is SO lovely. What I really like about it is the “sweet” simpleness of it. I believe that’s how life is meant to be and really can be.

    I do 1, 2, and 4 everyday and it really does make a difference in my life. I was so touched that you had nature in there, as so many have forgotten this amazing source of solace.

    I think of you often, can even feel you throughout my days. I’ve missed interacting more with my work being so consuming right now. But I also know deep in my heart that we are ALWAYS connected.

    I am sending you much love and deep gratitude for the love and kindness you have bestowed on me all these months. And that you bestow on others everywhere you go.

    Much love dear one,
    Robin xoxo

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