A Celebration of LOVE ~ Happy Valentine’s Day

Love is unconditional

Love is truth

Love is joy

Love is respectful

Love is freely given

Love is a free gift

Love is freedom

Love is compassionate, merciful, gracious

Love is amazing, awesome, glorious

Love is considering and honoring others… their whole being – identity, ideas, beliefs, feelings… Love understands.

Love is…listening, enlightenment, intimacy, romance, trust, peace, excitement, joy…

Love is… The Journey of knowing your truest self.

Love is … DIVINE!

Love is…really ALL there is!

Now, while I go ahead and Celebrate my Valentine’s day with my loves(my family)– eating, playing and loving(no material gifts are exchanged, only love)….you go ahead and celebrate with a feast for your heart with the many definitions of love….for in reality, we each understand and feel LOVE Uniquely.

Here are some of my favorite Personal Development writers and bloggers sharing their definitions of LOVE (in no particular order, I totally LOVE them all 🙂 ):

Melody @ Deliberate Receiving defines Love as : “Love is an emotion. Our emotions are simply indicators of our vibration. We can control our emotions by controlling our vibration – our thoughts about ourselves and the world. We can choose our thoughts, and therefore, we can choose our emotions. The feeling of love is a choice. It doesn’t have to be a reaction to what others do. We can choose to love. Not because we need to, but because we want to, because it’s so beautiful when we do. And when we do, we heal ourselves. We heal the world.”


Cathy TaughinbaughTreatment Talk defines Love as : “Love is as much about your actions as it is about your feelings. Showing love everyday means being there for others, reaching out when someone needs you and staying true to your words. The most difficult love is knowing when to let go when it is time, and let others find their own way. Love is forever. Follow your heart and you will find it.”


Sandra Pawula @ Always Well Within defines Love as : “Love is the wish for all beings without limit to have happiness and the causes of happiness.  This wish is actively expressed through loving thoughts, words, and deeds.  Love is inextricably intermixed with affection, kindness, compassion, gentleness, warm-heartedness, empathy, and forgiveness.  One’s capacity to love is rooted in a healthy sense of self-love.  When love partners with wisdom, we see reality as it is.”


Jt Clough @ Big Island Dog defines Love as : “Love, like happiness is an ongoing endeavor.  Dogs have taught me much about love in the ability to give it unconditionally.  Love is a forward motion.  Forgiveness is love.  Finding love within myself first, even with the many things I personally need to work on finds it’s way to true love for those in my life.”


Aileen @ Kaizen Vision defines Love as : “Love is being able to see the person’s soul when their personality or actions are hard to deal with. It’s a power greater than self that allows one to see a bigger picture other than what’s in front of them. Love is the ultimate healer. To see with the eyes of love, act with the behavior of love, and speak with the intention of love regardless of the situation, that will show you what love is.”


Joy Holland @ Facets of Joy defines Love as : “Love is as beautiful and pure as we allow it to be.  When we release all that we think we “know” to instead connect through our heart space with genuine transparency, we are choosing to express love. When we create from a centered place of peace, we are choosing to be love.  When we realize that we all feel vulnerable, that we all wish to matter, we will comfortably honor our individual beings and paths; from this place it is effortless toshare love. As we choose to express, be, and share love we magnify it; thank you for choosing to magnify love!”


Evita Ochel @ Evolving Beings defines Love as : “Love is consciousness – and the joy, peace, gratitude and serenity we bring to our self, our life and others. It is being mindful of the present moment and how our thoughts, words and actions impact all living beings, species and aspects of nature as we co-create our lives.”


Farnoosh Brock @ Prolific Living defines Love as : “If I had all the riches, it would not be enough. If I could gaze at all the beauty in the world daily, it would still lack something. If I had infinite popularity, I’d still be empty. If I could see all my dreams turn into reality, it’d still be missing the essence. If I could do it all and have it all, it would still be nothing without love in my life and in my heart. Love. It completes me.”


Amit Sodha @ Unlimited Choice defines Love as : “Love for me is very simple, it’s gratitude, appreciation and being in the moment for the small things with those who are a big part of your life.  It’s not wishing for more or less but understanding that what you see is you.  It’s the culmination of all the things you asked for.  Love is truly being in the moment and feeling the immense joy at the gifts you’ve been blessed with.  It’s also showing that love in the most creative and enjoyable ways that your imagination can muster.  Love is laughter, joy and fun and is without expectation.


Tia Singh @ Your Life Your Way defines Love as : “How do I define love.. I don’t know that I can. I’ll tell you how I experience it instead. Love is when I look at you and really SEE you. Whoever you are. Love is me feeling connected to the world. Love is wanting you to shine your star bright, seeing you glow. Love is calm, messy, deep, real, illusionary. Freedom. Love is sharing my jar of Nutella.”


Vidya Sury @ Going a Musing defines Love as : “Love is divine. Without it, life would be like a broken pencil – pointless.  Love is family and friends.  Love is unconditional and non-judgmental, a connection of the hearts and souls, a feeling of security and confidence, a lifetime bond, intuitively understanding without words, a positive energy. Love is caring and trust, bonding relationships we cherish for life, confident about being there for each other. Love heals.”


Sibyl Chavis @ Possibility of Today defines Love as : “You will find as you look back upon your life that the moments when you have really lived are the moments when you have done things in the spirit of love.”  Henry Drummond. I have come to learn (after what feels like way too long) how true this quote is. When we look back on life, all our greatest moments will absolutely be those where we felt and were aware of the love that is available for us to experience in each moment. Whether it is gazing into the eyes of someone we love, watching a child giggle uncontrollably, or even something perfectly simple like appreciating a sunset … love is the greatest possibility of today (and every today that follows).


Stuart Mills @ Unlock the Door defines Love as : “Love is formless. Love is the very essence of what we do, no matter whether it’s helpful or harmful. Even if we harm others, we still perform our actions out of a misguided sense of love for ourselves. Love drives all, is all, encompasses all, and surrounds all. Withoutlove, there would be no reason to perform any duty or take part in any heroic deed. With love, the world becomes a better place to live.”


Evelyn Lim @ Abundance Tapestry defines Love as : “Love is being able to see the perfection in all there-is. You no longer focus on what is wrong. You choose to view things from a more positive lens. You focus on seeing the good and beautiful. It is a very much a conscious choice to live lovingly each day.”


 Angela Artemis @ Powered By Intuition defines Love as : “You are shaped by the people you have loved and who have loved you. Love is the greatest power there is. This emotion leaves an indelible mark upon each of us. The imprint of love is what stays with us even after a person is gone from our lives or gone from this life. Love is also what connects us to to one another for eternity.”


Betsy McKee Henry @ Zen Mama defines Love as : “Unconditional Love is accepting a person, faults and accomplishments, no matter what they do. Pure and Simple. Unconditional love is understanding that if the people we love make foolish mistakes or disappoint us, and that we love them just as much anyway. This kind of love binds us together in ways we can’t imagine. It’s the love you want for yourself. And amazingly if you give that love, you often get the same love back.”


Fran Sorin @ Awake Create defines Love as : “LOVE IS spending time in nature, Tickling the bottom of an infant’s foot, Smiling at the homeless woman on the bench,  Forgiving, Getting closer to the truth.”


Suzie @ Suzie Cheel defines Love as : “Love is opening your heart into your own brilliance, Totally in acceptance of all parts of you, Basking in the wonder that is you, Then shining your love and light for all the world to see, Empowering you and me.”


Lance Ekum @ Jungle of Life defines Love as : “Like the snowflake gently falling, Like the sun ever shining, Like the trail winding on, Our soul, our presence, our care. Love is.”


Arvind Devalia @ Make it Happendefines Love as : “Love is All That Matters! Love is the most amazing thing in our lives – it is what makes us human, what makes life worth living.The size of our homes, bank balances, the beauty of our partner, the speed of our car – all these things pale into insignificance when we face the true splendour of what it is that makes us tick. Love does not make the world go around – it simply makes the ride worthwhile.”


Ken Wert @ Meant to Be Happy defines Love as : “Love is reflected in the way you treat the object of that love. It suggests respect and honor. It includes the hope and active pursuit for what’s best for the person you love. It cares more for the person than for the benefits of the relationship. Love is no passive emotion, in other words. It is proactive. It’s a verb. It reaches out and serves and blesses and is compassionate and kind and thoughtful and patient and forgiving. Feeling love doesn’t require anything from us. But actually loving someone does. The act of loving someone changes us for good. It blesses in both directions. It is expansive and fulfilling and lifting and healing for both its giver and receiver.”


This is my Valentine’s LOVE Celebration with so many beautiful writers sharing from their heart.

A BIG Loving Thank you to all those who have shared their precious energy here. Your definitions are all WOW!

I think the best way to celebrate Valentines day is to celebrate Love. Soak it in and share it….LOVE Love and amazing Love!

How are you celebrating LOVE today? DO you have any special plans? And do YOU have a special definition of love you would like to share with us? Please so share your thoughts in the comments section below. I’d love it if you all celebrated here with me ! 🙂 

Whatever your plans, never ever forget to Romance your truest Self. Cause YOU matter!

With Immense Love & Gratitude,
Counseling Psychologist/ Spiritual Counselor
Motivational Speaker/Naturopath
Holistic Healer/Writer


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32 thoughts on “A Celebration of LOVE ~ Happy Valentine’s Day

  1. Positive Provocations is where I come when I need a little dose of love and I always get a big one! I loved seeing all this beautiful faces and different facets of love! You are a love bunny indeed.

  2. Pingback: Love or Attachment? « Always Well Within

  3. Pingback: How to Enjoy Valentine’s Day without a Valentine | Kaizen Vision

  4. Zeenat,

    Thanks for your wonderful post and expression of love through many delisciouos words and ways to love.

    For me, love is conscious union with beingness; within or without. Sometimes this is by choice, sometimes by grace. When in our heart, we know the feeling, but it’s hard compress into words, even for bloggers!

    With love, muse Brad

  5. Absolutely beautiful reflections of love! Wow. Speechless. Something to print out and treasure! Thank you for including me in this wonderful celebration of love:)

  6. Zeenat – such a beautiful post. (Thanks for including moi) I loved reading everyone’s definition of love. My day is going to be better for reading these lovely words. Happy Valentine’s Day to you – may your days be filled with love!. With love, love, love, and BIG hugs, Vidya

  7. Zeenat,

    The love angel is what you are for me, as Sandra says one can always come here for a sprinkle of love.
    What a wonderful and such varied collection of what love is
    I feel honored to be featured here


  8. Pingback: Valentines Day – Just Enjoy It

  9. Zeenat, this is truly a special post. It fills my spirit with so much love and reminds me of all the facets of love. You have me floating right now 🙂

  10. Zeenat! What a gift, what a sharing of love! This is wonderful and you did such a beautiful job sharing everyone’s answers. It was a pleasure to take part 🙂

    Wishing you love always!

  11. Zeenat,

    Wishing you happy valentine day, it is funny, I got trackback on my blog from the last year’s post! 🙂

    I love all these quotes from bloggers I know and like. Here is mine for this year!

    Love is surrender and completely trust the other person. There is no such feeling when you can have such a faith in someone. It is greatest feeling.


  12. Rand


    I am amazed how when my trust with ‘The Maker’ is weakened of how it comes back like the rose opening up to receive light.

    “The goal of heart and a way of heart too. In all conviction, can I live in this moment knowing that the best for me, awaits me. That the best is here and will always be.”—Uzma

    Thus, respectful of the ‘spirit of love’ do I *patiently* seek to perpetuate a love reflecting the ‘imprint of love’ onto this moment.

    A Happy Valentines Life to All 🙂

  13. Mmmm….I’m soaking up the love here today – what a gift this is, Zeenat. And what a gift YOU are – being LOVE in this world.

    Love…it really is what matters in this thing we call life…

    Big, big love to you…dear friend…

  14. Hi Zeenat,

    A wonderful collection of opinions and ‘wise love’ sayings here – what more can I say than “I love it!” 😉

    Thanks for sharing the happiness Zeenat!

  15. @Dear Everyone: I’m so so so sooooooooooooooo happy that all of you chose to come here on valentines and share your loving energy. I’m honored by your presence here. Thank you!
    Just for this post, I wont be responding to all the comments individually…cause hey let LOVE be the chief guest fro as long as we can let it… 🙂 Ofcourse if there is a question asked int he comments, I will reply asap! But for now…all of you can just soak in and share all the LOVE here.
    Aren’t all these definitions just WOW!


  16. “Love is being able to see the person’s soul when their personality or actions are hard to deal with. It’s a power greater than self that allows one to see a bigger picture other than what’s in front of them. Love is the ultimate healer.” by Ailene …those are the words that struck with me most :)!!Gorgeous post on love. I can see the gravity with which you’ve brought this up!! 🙂 And I so agree with you Zeenat!! Are you an LOA follower?? :)Coz I am. 🙂

    So glad to be following you!! 🙂

  17. Hi beautiful Zeenat…
    I read these quotes the other day and was touched by them.
    I returned today…they are heartfelt and moving.
    Thanks for including my thoughts in this group of inspirational bloggers.xxoo-Fran

  18. Pingback: When Intuition Leads You to A New Career | Powered by Intuition

  19. Pingback: 20 Healthy Relationship Tips - Have a Healthy Relationship, Not a Crappy One | Self Improvement Saga

  20. Hi Zeenat
    I just nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Awards .
    Good Luck and congratulation.
    Best Regards
    Hari Chana
    ps check the rule on my site.

  21. Pingback: The Haiku Challenge 2012 – Day 14 – Love | Vidya Sury

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