Healing Marvelous Earth-Earth Day

“We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children. ” ~Native American Proverb

April 22nd the world observes Earth Day. DO You?
Earth Day is a day designed to inspire awareness and appreciation for the Earth’s environment.

What a tremendous, sacred gift we have been given to live in this beautiful world! Do we truly hold it dear to our hearts, or do we take it for granted?
“There’s so much pollution in the air now that if it weren’t for our lungs there’d be no place to put it all.”  ~Robert Orben
“For 200 years we’ve been conquering Nature.  Now we’re beating it to death.”  ~Tom McMillan, quoted in Francesca Lyman, The Greenhouse Trap, 1990

“In all things of nature there is something marvelous.” ~Aristotle~
What has happened in our world? I am sad and dismayed when I read in the newspapers that ethics have been put aside in favor of greed and financial gain.

Our Earth was created as a sacred space, a cloak that protects us with a life giving atmosphere, a cloak that protects a vast vegetation of plants and animals that depend on each other for survival. We have abused this Earth’s sacredness and are ruining our soil and water with chemicals, garbage and pollutants. Forests have been erased around the world and cities have been built too close to floodplains. It we don’t mend our environmental cloak around the world, HOW will we live?

“I would feel more optimistic about a bright future for man if he spent less time proving that he can outwit Nature and more time tasting her sweetness and respecting her seniority.”  ~Elwyn Brooks White, Essays of E.B. White, 1977

We need positive changes in attitudes, and each of us needs to speak out. We have to turn battle against nature into appreciation and partnership with nature.  We need to let our country heads and lawmakers know how we feel.

“Till now man has been up against Nature; from now on he will be up against his own nature.”  ~Dennis Gabor, Inventing the Future, 1963

You can make a difference too, by raising your voice against the practices that cause environmental damage, needless wars and large scale suffering around the world.

“There is hope if people will begin to awaken that spiritual part of themselves, that heartfelt knowledge that we are caretakers of this planet. ” ~Brooke Medicine Eagle

While gazing out of my apartment balcony recently, I saw a big tree. I saw the trunk as the body with a  sad face. The branches were like arms-some weak, some strong, reaching out in all directions. it reminded me of the plight of our earth.  My heart breaks when I see suffering. Peace is far more cheaper than war. Dont you think so too?

“Humankind has not woven the web of life.  We are but one thread within it.  Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves.  All things are bound together.  All things connect.”  ~Chief Seattle, 1855

We should never forget that in preserving the environment and fostering peace and love in the world, we protect our most precious resource- our children, grand-children and all generations to come. As we make efforts to heal the earth, also reach out to heal each other.

Speak out with love and understanding to your families, communities, friends and the world. Look around you and you will see how important it is for us to make Every day – Earth day!

“Climb the mountains and get their good tidings.  Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees.  The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.”  ~John Muir

Healing our mindsets, healing our hearts is the first and most important step in truly healing Marvelous Mother Earth.

Earth Day was founded by U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson as an environmental teach-in held on April 22, 1970 and is celebrated in more than 175 countries every year.

What are your thoughts on this topic? How do YOU observe earth day? What have you done to preserve, love, nurture and heal mother earth?  Please share your thoughts in the comments below and if you liked this article do share it on facebook, twitter etc. with the sharing buttons below this article. Your love and support is highly appreciated. 

With Immense Love & Gratitude,
Counseling Psychologist/Spiritual Counselor
Motivational Speaker/Naturopath

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11 thoughts on “Healing Marvelous Earth-Earth Day

  1. inspired type

    Hi Zeenat ~ How lovely and inspiring. I’d like to share a few quotes…

    “Nature is my medicine.” ~ Sara Moss-Wolfe
    “Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
    “In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.” ~ John Muir

    I agree, let’s make every day Earth Day!

  2. Thank you for presenting thoughts regarding Earth Day. I especially like…

    Speak out with love and understanding to your families, communities, friends and the world. Look around you and you will see how important it is for us to make Every day – Earth day!

    These are attributes that I teach my children, grandsons and great grand children. Also, this is my theme in my paintings.

  3. Darling Z!
    I agree with you, every day is Earth Day! I celebrate each day by spending time in nature each day..giving praise, falling in love with all around me, allowing magnificent beauty to soak into my soul..all that I experience in nature, I am as well..:) Because I spend this time and have this recognition, I treat Earth and the space around me with the same respect and mindful awareness as I do all else in my life.

  4. @Zeenat
    Your post is lovely! My husband and I have been celebrating Earth Day every day of the year for over over three decades ie. before there was an official Earth Day. Throughout that time we have been involved in environmental projects in out own community. We donate to non-profit groups who have special Earth Day events, and also to those that year round programs for children too. Happy Earth Day every day of the year!

  5. Zeenat,
    I agree with you. We need to shepherd our home with loving care. We have let our insatiable greed disturb the delicate balance of our planet. We’ve rationalized that it’s okay to plunder the earth and pollute in the name of progress. Perhaps the world wide economic down turn will be pause for thought for many who wake and realize that we can all live with far less consumer goods.

  6. Rand

    Hello Zeenat!

    Thank you for this post. I went on a hike on the bayside trail at Cabrillo National Monument on Earth Day. A very scenic small road that goes down to about 50 yards from the bay. Lots of nature stops along the way to teach about natural plants and animals. Curious enough I had the perfect view of a nuclear submarine being escorted into the harbor by two naval patrol boats…yes man vs. nature…and yes…man vs. man. Oh yes…another submarine was escorted right back out.

    I remember growing up of all the long summer days I spent in Hidden Valley skinny dipping in the clear clean ponds that I shared with Bluegill, Bullhead Catfish, Garter Snakes, Crawfish, Bullfrogs, and Treefrogs. When I became a young teenager a landfill was made on the mesa about a mile above Hidden Valley…sorry to say my children do not have the same friends, or even the ponds that I had…

    The 2001 film ‘Baraka’ is must for all to see. My daughter currently has my copy of it…the film pretty much is the direction she wishes her studies in college to go towards.

    I take the Trolley to work when I can and drive my 4 cylinder Toyota truck that I have owned since 1980 (bought new). I would still have my 1974 Bug if I wern’t afraid of being rear ended by some oversize useless piece of shit (sorry) vanity Hummer!

    To leave with some better choice of words I would like to offer this:

    “Smile O voluptous cool-breath’d earth!
    Earth of the slumbering and liquid trees!
    Earth of departed sunset—earth of the mountain misty-top!
    Earth of the vitreous pour of the full moon just tinged with blue!
    Earth of shine and dark mottling the tide of the river!
    Earth of the limped gray of clouds brighter and clearer for my sake!
    Far-swooping elbow’d earth—rich apple-bloosom’d earth!
    Smile, for your lover comes.

    ___’Song of Myself’ Walt Whitman

  7. Dearest Z, this is so lovely. To not connect with Nature is to not connect with myself. I have really the need for MUCH more time spent with Nature. Am doing lots of thinking, reevaluating, and questioning about my life and where I’m headed, what I want and need to really live who I am.

    I think who I am has to be so submersed in Nature that I can no longer tell where she starts and I begin.

    I LOVE this quote and feel it is pertinent to these times: ““Till now man has been up against Nature; from now on he will be up against his own nature.” ~Dennis Gabor, Inventing the Future, 1963” I hope to do more posts related to ways we can not only live closer to Nature (without harming her), but ways we can live with respect for the planet.

    Bless dear sweet friend, you infuse all you share with intense love, compassion, and caring. My word, Z, it is reflected in your child’s open, joyous face. One needs only look at the photos of her to see all the love you’ve given her. But then you give that same love to us all. I love you dearly. Robin

    PS Thank you for the comfort you gave me in my dream the other night. 🙂 🙂 So precious.

  8. Zeenat — You amaze me with how many links you give in your post. I clicked on most of them and there’s a whole garden of new sites to visit:~) How do you do this and also write such wonderful posts?

    I celebrate Earth Day by enjoying the busy activities of nature around me. My yard is teeming with life, both plant and animal. For me, earth day is almost every day as they keep me watching. Right now, I am watching a pair of bluebirds with a baby in one of my bluebird boxes. It’s amazing to watch them. They fly directly into the box and it has about a two inch opening. They make me very aware of the importance of taking care of this tiny planet we love on:~)

  9. Dearest Everyone,
    Thank you all so much for sharing my love and passion for Mother Earth. I appreciate your support here…
    I have been spending time offline with family the past few days hence haven’t replied to each of you..but will be responding to every comment later today. I have read all your thoughts…and love them.
    SO much Love~

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