Celebrate Everything with Gratitude


Celebrating encompasses my all time favorite emotion, tool and way to manifest…. gratitude!

When we celebrate, whether it be an occasion for someone else or a personal milestone we have accomplished we are sending a huge, “Thank you” to the Universe! There are so many times we allow ourselves to berate ourselves and feel low and we have no problem spending our time doing that, even saying to ourselves or feeling at some level that we deserve it. Truth is, we deserve to be happy and celebrating ourselves and others is a perfect way to honor all that we have in our lives and all we always have to be grateful for.

It becomes so easy to go through this busy world wrapped up in our “to do” lists and literally running through our day. So many of us say we don’t have the time to celebrate or to take that time for ourselves to truly honor ourselves but saying it just makes it our reality. Taking the time to celebrate ourselves and pay gratitude for a milestone or just because we deserve some happiness is the best possible affirmation we can send to ourselves that, “Yes, we want to be happy!!!”

There are many different ways to celebrate and I don’t mean going out and tying one on and forgetting everything! We want to be conscious in our celebrations so we do remember how wonderful it felt to celebrate and be grateful for ourselves! Celebration to me is allowing ourselves the time to relax and do something we truly love. For me, dance is the number one way I can celebrate. Dancing always fills me with joy and if I am dancing with good friends it is about as special a moment as I can imagine. Celebration need not even be going out though – there is an inner celebration we all have access to at any time. Loving ourselves enough to give ourselves a pat on the back, recognition and the validation that we deserve time off to do what we love. I include giving yourself a well needed day off a celebration. A celebration for our mind, body and soul to regroup and start off the next day in a very happy space. There is no limit to the ways we can celebrate ourselves. The first step is acknowledging that you deserve to be celebrated!

We also in any moment can choose to celebrate others! Yes, birthdays, graduations and other occasions seem to lend themselves to that and those are beautiful times to gather together. There doesn’t need to be a special occasion though to celebrate someone we love and appreciate! Sending a letter of thanks or doing something special for someone will always be appreciated and sometimes might be exactly what that other person needs. We all go through cycles of feeling wonderful and sometimes not so great. We can truly make someone’s day or week or even month by reaching out and celebrating them however we see fit. A card, a call, flowers, asking to take someone out for a meal or bring them a meal are just a few of the countless ways we can give thanks and appreciation and celebrate someone special in our lives.

So when is an appropriate time to celebrate? Often! Again, we probably can’t count the number of times even in the last week or month we gave ourselves a hard time about something or repeated negative words in our heads about ourselves. Isn’t it time we started to celebrate all the goodness we bring to the world? Working harder and saying things like there is no time to celebrate is an easy way to manifest a world that is moving quickly and passing us by. Taking the needed time to celebrate ourselves is that affirmation to the Universe that we appreciate everything we are and do. Taking the time to celebrate someone else shows deep gratitude and we allow that other person to bask in the celebration of who they are.

Take some time today and think about how you will next celebrate yourself. Take a few minutes to think about someone special in your life and how you can celebrate them. Allow any feelings of guilt of “not enough time” to pass and affirm that you are worth it. Celebrating brings the energy to our lives of gratitude, self-love and of love for others. The more love and gratitude we bring into our lives the smoother and more in flow everything is.

I thank you for taking this time to read my words and know that I appreciate you and know that you deserve a celebration of all the gifts you bring and for the person you show up and are every single day!

About the Author of this Post:

Jenny Mannion, Author of, “A Short Path to Change: 30 Ways to Transform Your Life”  began her own transformation in healing herself of several chronic dis-eases. She has since become an alternative healing practitioner, mind/body mentor and inspires people to know of their own inner power to create the life they desire. You can read her articles and find out more about her services on her website:http://www.jennymannion.com/

With Immense Love, Light & Gratitude,

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9 thoughts on “Celebrate Everything with Gratitude

    1. Thanks so much Brad for reading and commenting. You got it – we need to take that time savor our lives and then suddenly we will realize we have even more than we originally recognized to celebrate! With Blessings and Gratitude, Jenny

      1. Thank you so much Zeenat for having me appear in your beautiful space. So lovely to work with you. It’s the weekend now and I am going to be sure to take lots of time to celebrate and pay gratitude for alll the goodness in my life – including writing for Positive Provocations. Much Love, xoxo Jenny

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