Are You Accepting Your Fate or Creating A Destiny?-Readers Q&A

“Dreams are like stars…you may never touch them, but if you follow them they will lead you to your destiny.”

Claire from United Kingdom asks a very intriguing question this week, which I will attempt to answer.

Her question: Do I follow my fate or can I change my own destiny? Whats the difference between fate and destiny?

My Answer: One of the primary tasks we all face is deciding whether to follow the path fate has in store for us or working on manifesting our potential and living up to our destiny.

It is a solemn task that needs to be undertaken with a loving heart and sound mind.

Choice Between Fate & Destiny

Most people see the game of life as made up of two opposites — winning and losing. However, I see things differently — as a choice between fate and destiny.

  • Fate is seen as what happens if you never manifest your potential … never solve the puzzle of who you are.
  • Destiny is seen as what you create if you solve the puzzle and manifest one of the possibilities defined by your potential.

Some people just want to play at life, take it easy and work with what their family, society and generation outline as their expectations for you.

Others want to work at life, to plough the field of possibilities, sow their seeds of greatness, nurture their potential and reap their own rewards. They want to re-define and re-create who they are with every experience… and live in a house of their own making.

The decision of which to choose is a highly personal choice … both equally accepted and supported by Islanders who know the value of both moving with the tides and striving against the current of society. We embrace both the left and right hand paths, knowing that each offers valuable lessons and life experiences.

Embracing Fate with Arms Wide Open

There is serious work to be done in the world … and each culture, society and generation shapes the message, means and methods for getting that work done. From popular movies and TV show themes, to hot majors and job outlook reports, the world is brimming with possibilities to work hard and succeed.

Fortune, fame and favor are offered to those who step up to fulfilling the cultural needs of each age … from landing on the moon to inventing Velcro or founding Google. Microchip engineers, software programmers and gamers replace buggy chip makers. Astronauts replace Artic explorers. Neurosurgeons replace shamans. Geneticists and pharmaceutical chemists replace snake oil and patent remedies salesmen.

The underlying life paths remain the same, but the job titles, tools, products and services adjust to the times you live in. And all of these are encoded into the world we are educated in and grow up in .. along with the values, lifestyles and popular choices people make.

Potential or The Other side of the Coin

On the other side of the coin of the realm is the discovery of your potential … what you could be great at, if you have the resources and opportunities. Potential lies all around you, like a treasure waiting to be found.

And once you have discovered your potential, the challenge shifts to developing it and seeing how many of your dreams you can make come true.

Since you are taking total responsibility for your life, you are the one who decides what winning the game of life looks like, what life goal you are working on and how well you are working towards that goal.

Its YOUR Choice..only Yours!

Whether you follow your fate or follow your destiny is up to you. No one else can make that decision for you .. just as no one else can make your heart beat for you or feel for you.

The banquet of life is yours to pursue.

What will your choice be or rather what has your choice been…till now? Are you willing and brave enough to make the choice that’s RIGHT for you?

You have the POWER to shape your own destiny, your own future right in the heart of you. Look within….its all already there.

What about you? What are you thoughts on this topic? What according to you is fate and destiny? Share your thoughts and wisdom in the comments below.

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With Immense Love & Gratitude,
Counseling Psychologist/ Spiritual Counselor
Motivational Speaker/Naturopath
Holistic Healer/Writer

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8 thoughts on “Are You Accepting Your Fate or Creating A Destiny?-Readers Q&A

  1. Thanks – this got me thinking! Ultimately I think that fate and destiny are the same thing. The way you have described them are as two extremes of the same coin – we get to where we get to – the choice is whether we want to take action to influence that destination or not.

    Truth is we can take actions to influence our destiny but that fate has a hand to play as well (in terms of the stuff we can’t influence). I reckon that fate/destiny contains a little bit of both.

  2. Megan "JoyGirl!" Bord

    Hi, Beautiful Zeenat! Your phrase “the winning side of life” reminded me of the Florence Scovel Shinn book, “The Game of Life and How to Play It.” She was an author at the turn of the 20th century in the States who wrote and taught about MANIFESTING! Such a great book, and so empowering to women of her day. Can you imagine?

    I believe in the powers of manifesting, as you well know, and believe that we can shape our life into anything we’d like. We are masters (or mistresses) of our own destinies. If you can dream it, you can have it.

    Happiest Start of the Week to you, Beautiful One!

  3. Hey Zeenat, have you ever once thought of giving up on your dream? or have been too scared to pursue something different? I think we all get these gitters when we want to achieve.

  4. Hi Zeenat! Beautiful distinction to a great question. Fate seems to be what happens to you, meaning that there isn’t as much of an input on our side. Destiny seems to involve our active participation as choice-makers. We can co-create our destiny and more consciously walk our path. I love how you throw our achieving our potential in the mix. 🙂
    Thanks for this insightful post. Loving blessings!

  5. Hi Zeenat!
    I’m so glad I found your site! You do a beautiful job!
    I love how you say: “Fate is seen as what happens if you never manifest your potential … never solve the puzzle of who you are.” The puzzle of who you are!” When you know who you are, you know what to do!

    I firmly believe in the power to manifest our own realities. I think childhood issues get in the way, however, blotting out who we really are. So to me, clearing the childhood issues is job one. It’s like cleaning the windshield of the car – you can’t really get anywhere until you do.

    Thanks for such a beautiful post!

  6. Dearest Friends, I have been a bit tied up with my little one’s exams these past few days hence have not been able to respond to your comments. I have read each and every comment and will be responding to each one within today.
    Thank you fro your love and support.
    Much love~

  7. Hi Zeenat .. how to solve the puzzle of who we are .. an essential .. throw off the trappings of family – just be us.

    Some manifest, some do and things come to them .. we can combine both as our life puzzle comes to fruition ..

    It’s up to us .. cheers Hilary

  8. Hi Zeenat,

    Wow, I found your site last week and have been absolutely astounded. you are amazing and have such insight and passion. I’ve been reading everything!
    I left my corporate job 3 years ago to pursue my passion of building my own fitness brand ( I have since started some motivational speaking, and am hosting my first seminar this Thurs (Feb 24th) called ‘TAking Charge of your Life’ – a topic I can see you believe very strongly in.
    I would love to hear your insight and perhaps gain some advice from you on your career path. Please let me know and I can provide you with my contact info.

    Thank you in advance, you are amazing!


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