How to Positively melt those Creative Blocks

“Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.” Scott Adams

Is there an area in your life where you feel, you just cannot move forward? You may be experiencing a creative block…

I’ve been experiencing writers block since the past three weeks. Previously, inspiration had been flowing. It was a beautiful experience. Ideas fell neatly into place, difficult concepts were easily expressed, and I had words! I was living in the land of milk and honey.

But Why Creative Blocks?

And then one day I woke up and the creative juices had stopped flowing. I’ve been writing long enough to know that creative blocks can be due to a variety of issues. Some blocks are due to anxiety, a lack of focus, time constraints, writing about what you “should” instead of what you love, perfectionism, or needing to resolve an inner fear before moving forward. Other blocks are simply due to the natural ebb and flow in the creative process.

After assessing the nature of my block, I knew this time I was simply in the natural cycle of writing and not writing. My personal mantra- This too shall pass. As of yesterday, my writing ability has returned! Yippee!

You may not be a writer, but creative blocks are common to all

Perhaps there are areas in your life where you want to move forward, but just can’t get over the hump? If so, it’s easy to get disillusioned and push your dreams and goals to the back burner. However, just because things aren’t moving forward at the speed you had intended, you don’t have to give up.

If you’re suffering from a creative block, you’re not alone. It’s typical to experience creative highs and dry spells. Sometimes the cycle is long while other times it can pass quickly. What’s most important to remember is that this creative block will pass. It’s up to you to keep your creative project in the forefront until you bounce back.

Here are five positive tips to get through your block and back into the flow once again:

  • Keep on working:
    You may not be producing your best work, but keep yourself actively engaged with your project. It keeps the dream alive!
  • Don’t, please don’t give up and throw your project away:
    It was meaningful when you started and it’s still meaningful. Believe in your ability to express yourself even when the going is difficult. I promise, it gets better.
  • Relax:
    Creativity like art cannot be controlled or forced. Take the necessary action steps that help you alleviate stress, relax, and think self-supporting thoughts. A bit of tender loving care towards yourself can do the job.
  • Something bigger is coming:
    Creative blocks are frustrating when they occur, but they often lead to greater inspiration once they have passed. Often a block occurs because a bigger “wow” idea is trying to get through(some really awesome wows happened during mine!). Accept that there is value in your down time, take care of yourself, and breathe often.
  • Change a habit:
    When you’re stuck in a rut, change something habitual or routine in your life. Make it easy but different. For example, get up earlier than usual, wear clothing you don’t normally wear, eat a new food, or take a new route to work. Breaking old habits can lead to feelings of renewed possibilities and excitement.

The next time you hit a creative block, remember that’s all it is. Your creativity hasn’t run out, it’s just temporarily blocked by something. You have infinite creativity within you.

Use these simply positive yet profound tips to overcome your creative blocks and to get your creative juices flowing again!

The possibilities of our dreams becoming realities are truly limitless.

With Immense Love & Gratitude,
Counseling Psychologist/ Spiritual Counselor
Motivational Speaker/Naturopath
Holistic Healer/Writer

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41 thoughts on “How to Positively melt those Creative Blocks

  1. swarna

    thanks zeenat……… this message is like when u want to learn the teacher is ready, can’t believe it, indeed i was stressed about how to break those blocks which are blocking my path , and you had come up with your profound thought ……… this will really help me out. Thanks and tons of love dear. God bless u.

    1. Hi Swarna,
      Its amazing how when we become open and realize where we are blocked…the block automatically starts to melt. I do hope all those blocks vanish for you and you fly high! No stress just happiness 🙂
      Blessings and love to you my dear. Thank you for your living comment here.
      Much Love~

    1. Dear Andrew,
      So good to know youre taking your health in your own hands! May you have a nourished and happy soul always 🙂
      Much Love~

  2. Thanks Zeenat,

    I too have been feeling blocked in my writing, mostly because I don’t have a work & life purpose to help me know the direction of my life and then make choices that support my plan. So my plan is to craft a life plan, purpose, work direction.

    thanks for the encouragement. Brad

    1. Dear Brad,
      We writers all go through this….and youre so right…when we KNOW our purpose, the projects never stop, the mind never stops….just because we cant put it into words right then and there, doesnt mean we dont have it.
      I say let your purpose flow … will come.
      Thank you for your lovely comment here.
      Much Love~

  3. Fran Sorin

    Zeenat….we all get stuck from time to time with our creative endeavors. The tips you offer are terrific. Rather than banging ourselves over the head and getting frustrated, we have the choice to relax, try something new, don’t run after it. And just ‘be’. As one writer wrote: “Enjoy it while it lasts.”
    Isn’t that great? xxoo-Fran

    1. Darling Fran,
      Our heads have a funny way of being when we just let them be. The harder we try the farther we get from our purposeful work.
      I’m so glad you liked these tips.
      Here’s to all our great creative projects.
      Much Love~

  4. Priyanka

    Dear Zeenat, the post is very cogent. This theory of creative blocks does exist, both with writing and in life in general. Really while writing sometimes the flow of words are so much at ease and at times I just cant find words enough to express what I want, also as you said this blockage sometimes does prevent us from pursuing personal goals and dreams.So…….its not unusual! glad to know!
    Your tips are great! Thanks!

    1. Dearest Priyanka,
      Its not unusual, true, but that doesn’t mean we cave in to it either na…
      Believing in ourselves and our own abilities is imperative to keep those creative juices flowing.
      You must share what you write priyanka! I’m eager to read..
      Thank you for your loving comment here.
      Much love~

    1. I’m going through a very hard time right now.There are many serious issues I’m dealing with in my offline life not the least of which is my mom’s death and all that comes along with estates. As I’m so preoccupied with them my inclination to be creative in my blogs is pretty much on hold. In the time I do have off work I’m painting and writing haiku to lift my spirits and reminding myself that this time will pass and happier days are ahead.
      Love and peace

  5. A friend recently sent me a story of a best-seling writer who frequently spent time simply sitting at the end of the pier behind her house or sitting on porch when the ideas weren’t flowing. Rather than feeling like she must produce (what I would tend to do), she learned how to be OK with the ebbs and flows of ideas and creativity. Taking those pauses and going with the flow has allowed her to write amazing books.

    Love your approach Zeenat! The more we can relax into the process, the better our work is.

    1. Dearest Paige,
      Now that’s such a great way to positively handle those creative blocks. We often think or rather feel gilty for not producing stuff in those low days…but just understanding where its coming from allows us to relax and embrace all.
      Thank you for sharing that inspiring story. loved it!
      Much love~

  6. Thank you Zeenat for inspiring me. It’s helpful to remember that something bigger is on it’s way…right on the other side of that block. We just have to stay focused and not give up.

    You’re awesome!

    1. Dear Nea,
      So happy this article inspired you 🙂
      Often my dry spells lead to enhanced creative bursts now I don’t fret.. I sip in a good coffee and read and jot down points till then. Like right about now my head has so many new creations writing themselves in my head 😉
      Thank you for your lovely comment here.
      You are super awesome too!
      Much love~

  7. I love this. I used to throw away projects. Some, before they even got started! I recently read an awesome book about blocks. “The War of Art” by Steven Pressfield. It inspired me to just start it anyway…just like this. Thanks!

    1. Hi! Lovely seeing a new face here 🙂
      That book by Steven Pressfield sounds like a must read…thank you for sharing.
      May you have many prosperous projects that reach the stars!
      Much love~

    1. Hi Cathy,
      Patience is a virtue we all possess but seldom use.
      You’re so right…patience is the key. Then ofcourse comes relaxing and going with the flow 🙂
      Thank you for your thoughtful comment here.
      Much love~

  8. synchronicitybridge


    There’s that sychronisicity kicking again *Little Sister*.

    After a very busy 7 straight days of work (finished today at 1:00 p.m.) I went back to a poem that I was working on. So far 99.9% went like…Bam!…but I have not found what I want for the final words. I have written and crossed out a couple hours of…’words’. Just got done eliminating…exterminating…​ejecting…exorcising…and euthanized some more, when I thought…hey… just hang it up and go see what’s up with Z!


    Gotta tell ya Zeenat that out here in Southern California we just had a darn good storm pass through. As I type the sun is setting magnificently over the Pacific, and out my eastern window I can see our snow covered mountains crystal clear 60 miles away.

    What I am trying to say is that while all seems to be going no where during the storm, while we are locked in our thoughts looking out the window wondering when it will end…we should not ‘worry’ because change is being developed at that very moment.

    We now have a beautiful sunset to the west and snow-covered mountains to the east…so not to worry there’s a time and place for everything.

    Somewhere it has been created and at this very it is wating to be found…

  9. synchronicitybridge

    …must of “blocked out” a bit 🙂

    Should read: ‘Somewhere it has been created and at this very moment it is waiting to be found…’

  10. Zeenat,
    I often have creative blocks. When I do, I make a cup of coffee or tea, find a beautiful spot to write, and then put down whatever I’m thinking even it’s not very good. Later when I’m in a more creative mood, I’m so happy to have some raw material to start out with. So I guess my favorite tip is: Don’t give up!
    Wonderful post Zeenat!

  11. Zeenat, I LOVE the photo you used in this post. It inspires me and enlivens my spirit – and perfect for a post on melting creative blocks. Just looking at that image – space is created in my mind and my breath deepens as new thoughts new ideas enter.

    I liked you “habit” change too for melting blocks – it’s an awesome experience to feel the newness that happens when we mix things up and change routines.

    1. Dear Aileen,
      I’m so glad you loved this picture and the post!
      Changing ways and inserting new is always a great way to find the creativity within.
      Thank you for your loving comment here.
      So much love to you~

  12. Zeenat,
    This couldn’t have come at a better time! All day, I’ve been trying to figure out what to post on my blog. I just kept jumping from one post draft to another, not feeling too enthusiastic about any of them. Rather than forcing it, I think I’ll just take your advice and relax. It will come when it’s ready!

    Thanks for a great post. 🙂 It’s good to know that it happens to even the most established bloggers!

    1. Dearest kaylee,
      It so does happen to all of us…and what a compliment you’ve given me by calling me an ‘established’ blogger! Wow! Thank you!
      Just going with the flow is half the battle won…many a times the more we force ourselves to do something the worse it gets. Breathe…it will come back when its supposed to.
      Thank you for your lovely comment here.
      Much love~

  13. abundancetapestry

    Dearest Zeenat,

    It is common to have creative blocks. I have had them. As you have wisely pointed out, it is just a temporary phase. When it passes, it is possible to even experience creative ideas dropping in all at once.

    Should I find myself having a major block, I take a drive to the nearest park to spend some time there. Nature always offers great lessons and connecting with nature never fails to bring inspiration.

    I enjoyed what you said: “you have infinite creativity within you.” Oh yes!

    Thank you for a wonderful post!

    1. Dear Evelyn,
      Going to the park is a wonderful way to garner new inspiration. I go for walks…or read my favorite book for a quick fix sometimes.
      May we all be blessed.
      Thank you for your inspiring comment here.
      Much love~

  14. Hi Zeenat!

    Most of my creativity come on two occasions. One is when I’m playing music. I play piano and guitar and enjoy making stuff up as I go, improvising. It’s best and most creative when I relax, breath deeply before playing, then let my feelings move my fingers. The other is in my writing. I love coining phrases, coming up with new ways of saying what I want to say. This creative expression, however, is much more in my head than my playing is.

    Love the tips, Zeenat! Thanks for sharing them!

    1. Wow ken!
      I do love your ways of letting the fingers do the creative expressing.
      You know I love the creative writing process too..sometime I am amazed at what I just dish out in terms of quotes 😉
      So glad you liked these tips ken. Thank you for sharing yourself here.
      Much love~

  15. Darn! Just wrote a comment and it seemed to have disappeared on me. Anyway, just wanted to say you shared some great tips here, Zeenat!

    My creativity peaks when I’ve spent time alone, working out loud, getting into the “groove.” It’s then that creative ideas seem to flow the most.

  16. Love the tip about not giving up on peice that just seems like it’s not work keeping, I keep finding that in my art work now I have put to use peice that are nearly 10 years old that I would have thrown away were they not in a sketch book. As far as relaxing goes I keep finding that when there is a creative block there is just as often some physical relaxation in order ocasionally. Of course I am someone who has spend their life drawing and it’s branching out that’s easier said than done, anything from a new computer program/video game, to inventing, to writing a book are on my creative to do list (all while still keeping my drawing going). Thanks for the tip anyone who’s only career option is all in the creative feild can’t afford the creative block, and can afford to give up over one even less.

  17. Pingback: Creative Blocks-I Feel Them « gordopdx

  18. Pingback: Creative Blocks-I Feel Them Part II « gordopdx

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