8 Strategies to Becoming Positively Happy and Motivated

“Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present.”~ Jim Rohn

Do you really want to be happy and motivated all the time? I know I do. But on some days it just seems like such an effort. Some days, I want to be all happy and chipper, but am not. How do I help myself during those down times. Read on to find out how I stay positively Happy and Motivated always, especially in the most trying times.

Here to There

Whatever you want to do…whether you want to lose weight, end emotional eating, overcome stress, or move beyond sadness and depression, creating any minor/major change in your life can create feelings of discomfort. You are here, and you want to be there. As enticing as the outcome of your goal appears, you cannot instantly jump into a happy, motivated life.

Instead, achieving happiness and success means that you have to venture out of your comfort zone into an unknown journey. On your path between here and there, you will most likely face many obstacles, experience setbacks and failures, feel emotions you don’t want to feel, and discover you must learn strange new ways of thinking, acting, and behaving if you want to reach your outcome.

One Step at a Time

One-step at a time you walk across the middle ground between where you were and where you are going. This middle ground tends to feel shaky and unknown. You may stumble along with unsure footing wondering if you will ever feel confident again. One of the secrets of achieving a happy outcome requires acknowledging and understanding that the changes you are asking yourself to make will be uncomfortable. Your success rests on planning ahead to give yourself the tools and support you need to make yourself feel safe even in the midst of change and uncertainty.

I have designed the following strategies to help me find that trust and self-assuredness when I am in the midst of creating my happy and motivated life. I’m absolutely sure they will help you too 🙂

8 Strategies to Stay Positively Happy and Motivated Always

1) The Acceptance of Your Journey
Whenever you are feeling uncertain, stop and take a moment to breathe deeply. Take several deep, slow breaths. When you breathe, you allow yourself to come back to center and your inner resourcefulness. From center, you can regain your larger perspective about the importance of the changes you want to make. You can remind yourself that you are in transition because you made the conscious choice to experience more happiness. You are not a victim of this change, and no one forced you into this decision. Although your journey from here to there may not be an easy journey, remind yourself that the joy and success you want to experience is important to you.

2) It’s Really Okay to Fall, But Get Back Up Again
When you are walking across the transitional middle ground between where you were and where you want to go, there will be times when you may feel uncertain and doubtful about your ability to have what you want. Perhaps you encounter a roadblock or obstacle, or perhaps the amount of effort you must put forth on a daily basis was more than you bargained for. You will consider quitting. The question becomes, when you want to quit, will you curl up, tell yourself you can’t have what you want, or desperately pray that someone comes along to rescue you? Or are you going to gather up all your courage and find some way to gain motivation move forward once again? It’s okay to stumble and fall, we all do it at one time or another. It is even okay to lie in the dirt for a while. What is important is that you remember that you are still on your path, still facing forward, and you can still have what you want. What is the one step you can take right now that will serve to raise your level of motivation higher?

3) Choosing and Feeding Your Faith
Have you ever heard the expression, “Feed your faith, not your fears.” I love how this phrase can boil down a complicated situation into a very simple choice. Use this phrase to perform a reality check on yourself. When you feel doubt or fear, are your thoughts and actions helping to build your self-confidence that you can have what you want, are they causing you to go further down a dark spiral of negativity and despair? The issue is not whether or not you will experience fear. Fear is a natural by-product of going on your goal journey. The issue is how you will deal with fear when it shows up – will you feed faith or will you feed fear?

4) Its Ok to Get Support
The journey…i.e. your journey between here and there is your own unique experience that you must navigate on your own. No one can take the journey for you, and no one can pick you up and drop you off on the other side. The journey itself is what offers the strengths, insights, wisdom, and joy that you are looking for. Therefore, you must walk our own path – but that doesn’t mean you can’t hold hands with some friends for a awhile. Meet with a nutrition therapist, life coach, friend, or advisor on a regular basis to keep you motivated. Your support people can help you though periods of self-doubt and instability and remind you that being able to feel more happy and motivated is what you want most.

5) Your Words Are Powerful
Become acutely aware of the words you use. Do the words you speak to yourself empower you or leave you feeling powerless? Are your thoughts self-supporting or self-defeating? Do you encourage yourself when things are going well and when things are difficult? Learning to motivate your self with positive, self-affirming, resourceful, and loving language is what allows you to feel happy and gain motivation to take each next step. Look into your own eyes in the mirror and speak kind, persuading words. It is up to you to provide the motivation you need to achieve success.

6) Explore and Take A Risk
Change requires you to move from your smaller, confined circle of comfort to one that is larger and more expansive. To achieve ultimate success, you will need to move beyond the edges of your comfort zone. Like Columbus sailing off to explore the edge of the ocean, you too are exploring unknown new territory. Allow yourself to be a beginner again – this is how you grow and transform. If you take a risk and fail, learn from the experience and adjust your actions. Just don’t give up!

7) Create A Ritual to Honor the Change
Acknowledging your journey by creating a ritual to honor the growth and changes you have been making. A ritual can be anything metaphorical that has meaning to you. Perhaps it might be burying your scale, donating all your larger clothes, giving your diet books to the local library, a celebration of your journey with friends, or even listing all the things that have been holding you back on little strips of paper and burning them. Take some sort of physical action to acknowledge the path you are moving along. Doing this creates a deeper sense of meaning and importance to your daily actions, and raise your motivation level. You develop respect for the transition that you are engaged in. A ritual may help you close a door that you are ready to close.

8) Carry a Transformation Object
Your feeling of happiness and keeping motivated can also be increased when you carry a transformation object. Your transformation object can remind you of your successes so far, and keep your vision on your overall goal. The object could be something that reminds you of your journey, or it could be an item that provides comfort. You can link your sense of touch to the feeling of being happy or motivated. For example, think of how a toddler is able to comfort itself with a stuffed animal or blanket, or how rosary beads can help move thoughts back into love. Find your own transfromational object that you can touch, stroke, or hold to remind you of the importance of your journey and provide you with motivation to continue forward. Here is a list of transformational objects you could easily carry in your pocket or on your body: • Small smooth stone • Crystal • Special necklace • Ring for your finger • Sea shell • Symbolic lapel pin • A Symbolic wrist watch. I use a heart shaped Rose Quartz crystal that stays with me at all times. It reminds of being a healer and it reminds me of love. It keeps me centered and gently nudges me to keep going.

Use these tips and suggestions to keep yourself motivated, feeling happy about the changes you are making, about your journey and for believing in yourself. Although your path may seem shaky at times, you truly can live the life of your dreams.

Its all in our own hands…how motivated or happy we remain on our journey is truly entirely upto us.

What are your thoughts on this topic? How do you stay happy and motivated especially in trying times? Do you have any secret tips/strategies to share? Do share your wisdom in the comments below. I’d love to learn from you. 

With Immense Love & Gratitude,
Counseling Psychologist/ Spiritual Counselor
Motivational Speaker/Naturopath
Holistic Healer/Writer

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28 thoughts on “8 Strategies to Becoming Positively Happy and Motivated

  1. Very good tips, Zeenat. You know – no.5 – Your words are powerful – is very very important. When I was in corporate sales training, this was a special module we focused on. Using positive words makes all the difference, and practically every negative thing can be expressed in a positive way. Also, expecting the desired outcome strengthens our own faith in our efforts and fuels us to forge ahead in a highly motivated way – because we start seeing those results we want. 🙂

    Breaking it up into steps and maybe even having a reward in place for small achievements is inspiring. Of late, I’ve been having issues with time management. I’ve pulled up my socks (and all those sagging parts) to remedy this. I make a time table, accounting for every hour of the day to keep me focused – and at the end of every four hours, reward myself – something simple is fine. For me, it is reading one of my favorite blogs and things like that. 🙂 It works.

    Lovely post, as always and a great start to my Sunday week! Hugs!

    1. Hi Vidya,
      I love the idea of making a list. I have time management issues too and i will use your tip. To me coffee and my heart quartz are all i need.
      Thank you for your lovely comment here.
      Much love~

    1. Hi Glynis,
      So lovely seeing you here! Welcome! As for the transformational object…oh its such a great way to remain positive and happy…you must try it out and let me know how it goes 🙂
      Thank you for your awesome comment here. Hope to see more of you here.
      Much love~

  2. Priyanka

    Great tips Zeenat! You said it right, its entirely upto us, as to how we want to feel.
    Thanks again.
    Much love.

  3. Great tips Zeenat. Words are indeed powerful and are indicators of our state of mind, a great tool to determine if we’re heading in the direction we want or not. There have definitely been times when I’ve had to switch paths because I paid attention to what I was saying and was basically blundering around up a dead end!

    Love Elle

    1. Oh dear Elle,
      We’ve all been there..at the blundering deep end 🙂 When we focus on our thoughts and words…its easier to change course to prevent a potential blunder right 🙂
      May we all focus on thr positive and happy always.
      Thank you for you heart warming comment here.
      Much love~

  4. Good tips Zeenat. I like the reminder to feed my faith. When challenges come up is an especially good time to do that. Deciding on what path is my biggest challenge. Have you ever written on that?
    cyber hugs,

    1. Hi Brad,
      Comes to think of it…I dont think I’ve written about that. Who knows a post is coming up soon 🙂
      So glad you liked these tips.
      Cyber Hugs right back at ya !
      Much love~

  5. Hi Zeenat,

    These idea are unique, I like that. I especially resonate with feeding faith instead of fear. “Faith” is my word for 2012 so this reminder is an excellent one. Carrying a transformation object is also a wonderful physical cue. Thanks for the encouragement. You are right, we all need it!

    1. Dear Sandra,
      Ahh and I love the word Unique 😉
      How amazing that ‘faith’ is your word for 2012. Its one of my favorite focus points this year too.
      I love to see what transformational objects people carry with them. Gives me a sense of really how different yet emotionally attached we are to the physical reminders. Recently i met a friend who carried a piece of a torn handkerchief with her…to remind her of her of her purpose for finishing her degree…cause that was the day she used the handkerchief to wipe her tears of joy.
      Thank you for your loving comment here.
      Much Love~

  6. Zeenat….I absolutely love this post. Acknowledging our feelings…especially the ones that make us feel uncomfortable….is such an important part of the spiritual journey -which is ultimately the journey that we’re all taking. The feelings of fear, shame, not feeling good enough, hate, etc….need to come out and be recognized for who they are and why they have played such a major role in your life. (Voice Dialogue).

    All of us fall down….several times throughout laugh. And yes, we need to get back up and continue on our journey. But a loving family and group of friends can make all the difference in the world. With love, Fran

    1. Hi Fran,
      You said it right…we are all after all on our very own spiritual journey. Avoiding negative feelings doesnt make us happy or positive… acknowledging them on the other hand makes us understand and Opens our heart to happiness. I know there are times in my life..when my family has been my rock…so grateful for that.
      Thank you for your loving comment here.
      Much Love~

    1. Hi Tina!! Lovely seeing you here! I’m always happy to see anew commenter 🙂
      And #8 is one of my favorite ways to come back to purpose and feel centered. You must try it and let me know how it all works out.
      Thank you for your amazing comment here.
      Much Love~

  7. Asif Khan

    Hi! Zeenat
    These techniques are really fruitful. But these all techniques are traditional which we find on all Self-improvement web sites.
    You must work hard to introduce something new.

    1. Hi Asif,
      Thank you for your comment here. NEw is not necessarily what I’m going for here….Positive HEALING for the reader is what my objective is here. Since you have tried all these traditional ideas….do share your wisdom here with us…what strategies or tips do you use to stay happy and motivated always?
      Kind Regards~

  8. Hi Zeenat … Throughout the post was the underlying message of our journey. Sometimes, during this journey, we find ourselves on the “wrong” path. It’s just too easy at times to place ourselves on someone else’s path! Sure, it’s still our journey but it’s not as happy as it could be when we’re trying to live someone else’s goal.

    When we’re on our own path, the falters, falls, and failures are so much more constructive and result in advancement rather than backwards steps. Happiness returns more quickly.

    To answer your specific question, my way of “recovering” is a simple, non-judgmental observation of myself. What am I feeling? Where am I feeling it? What seemed to cause it? What significance does it hold? I observe, I allow the feelings, and somehow it takes a whole new perspective and happiness (our birthright) returns.

    Keep giving Zeenat! Thank you.

    1. Hi Carmelo,
      Lovely seeing you here 🙂
      I love how you talk about non judgmental confrontation of yourself. The problem with most is that its difficult to see beyond the ego…cause its beyond the masks we wear that our true self lies. When we ‘know’ ourself…..it becomes easier to ask the right questions.
      Your way just goes to show how well you know yourself already…yay you!
      Happiness is the most natural state of being if we allow for the masks to fall.
      Thank you for your amazing comment here. Hoping to see more of you here.
      Much Love~

  9. “Whatcha got ain’t nothin new. This country’s hard on people, you can’t stop what’s coming, it ain’t all waiting on you. That’s vanity.”

    ~ Ellis to Ed Tom Bell, in the movie “No Country for Old Men’

    …and so yesterday after explaining and describing to my neighbors the events of a fabulous day that led to the 9:00 p.m. serious laceration of two fingers on my left hand, I asked this wise couple:

    ‘You can now ‘see’ the place of consciousness I was at when this happened…Why do you suppose this happened after such a wonderful day?’

    Brian: The Universe threw you a ‘Curve Ball’.

    “Your success rests on planning ahead to give yourself the tools and support you need to make yourself feel safe even in the midst of change and uncertainty.”

    …and so years of dedicated, honest, hard labor as an IATSE stagehand has provided me with the ‘tools and support’ in the form of a very good health insurance policy to cover…I am venturing to estimate with the two hours of surgery, hours in emergency, and time at other medical offices to be…oh…$40,000.

    …and yes…’it ain’t all about me’.

    My daughter started her second year of college 500 miles away…the job’s helping to pave her 4.0 GPA

    …and yes…’This country’s hard on people…’


    “The people know the salt of the sea
    and the strength of the winds
    lashing the corners of the earth.
    The people take the earth
    as a tomb of rest and a cradle of hope.
    Who else speaks for the Family of Man?”

    ~ Carl Sandburg…’From The People Yes’.

    4) Its OK to Get Support

    …and yes…I taught a ‘young man’ who after being discriminated and persecuted in his ‘country’ of birth for the majority of his life, because of his race and culture, how to Surf Fish. There is something that crosses barriers and cures wounds by being in moving waters and casting your line to fate. We talked. We caught fish. We learned. We healed.

    …and yes…I wear the 112 year old art nouveau ‘Comedy and Tragedy’ ring on my undamaged right little finger.

    See my Gravatar:

    On the day I found this ring a tremendous amount of ‘Synchronicity’ came along with it.

    Sometimes I take the ring off to give ‘all’ a bit of rest…

    6) Explore and Take A Risk

    …and yes…I am going to complete a pendant that I’ll wear to balance out my ring.

    The carved bone ‘Oceanic’ fish hook will hang from a 120 year old Rosary. I will add antique cherry and yellow/orange amber beads to the jet beads of the Rosary.

    Ivory color pendant: The purity that I will never reach…a reminder not to be too hard on myself… and a reminder of an arduous 19 day sailing passage that I overcame.
    Cherry amber: The Blood of Christ and my own *Love*.
    Yellow/Orange amber: BOLDNESS
    Black jet: The unknown and the acceptance of fear just being but a part of life…

    Peace sister 🙂

    1. Dear Rand,
      Peace and love to you. Your thoughts here…are just wow!!
      Thank you for your loving comment here. I appreciate all you share.
      Much Love~

  10. synchronicitybridge

    Oh the infernal hard country one lives in as a begger scorning all charity and cowering at the thought of creating good fortune alone.

  11. Pingback: Studying Improv Transforms You From Meek and Mild Into Creative and Wild

  12. The one you feed, grows to be the biggest. Well, in times of distress, when I am not very motivated, I just leave it at that. I’ve been there thousand of times, so I avoid decisions, avoid having too many meanings since they come from a darkish place, and simply wait for the cloud to pass.

    Rather be a clueless fool for a day or an hour than an incredible Hulk going beserk (but it was not always like this, my wife informs me)
    Too often I have had an negative moment create long lasting or permanent damage.

    Being un-motivated just isn’t very important, and should be avoided if at NO cost. Don’t pay twice.

    I may or may not take notes of things to handle when I am in a good mood again, which always happens.

    Thanks for a great post. Feed your faith, not your fears, says it all, I think. Don’t feed your fears if that is all what is possible. And it always is.

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