15 Positive Tips to Be Happy right NOW!

15 Positive Tips to Be Happy right NOW!“I am determined to be cheerful and happy in whatever situation I may find myself. For I have learned that the greater part of our misery or unhappiness is determined not by our circumstance but by our disposition.” ~ Martha Washington

What is your definition of happiness? Do you think you need to be successful to be happy?

I am sure you’ve caught yourself a time or two saying things like, “I’ll be happy when I lose 5 kgs,” or “I’ll be happy when I find Mr./Mrs. Right,” or “I’ll be happy when I have my dream home,” or “I’ll be happy when my husband/wife changes his/her attitude.”

It does not really work like that. Does it!?!?

In my experience I have come to realize that, success follows happiness. Not the other way around. When we really feel happy things in our life begin to take a positive turn.

Just think about it – Is it easier to attract Mr./Mrs. Right with a look of sadness and doom on your face, or with a cheerful smile and bright outlook on life? Is it easier to live healthy and exercise when you’re miserable or when you’re feeling good?  Will you ever be able to afford that dream home when you’re so negative you can’t attract abundance? And as far as the husband/wife goes … is it possible that when you’re lighter and happier, people around you will seem easier to deal with and more fun to be around?

hmmm….lots to think about eh 🙂 Dont worry.

Try something different. Make the decision to be happy NOW – you may very well find that you attract all that you want by first becoming happy, by simply deciding to do so.

Here are 15 tips you can incorporate in your life today that will free you and lead you to happiness – yes, right now!

15 Positive Tips to Be Happy right NOW!

1. Please accept yourself and love yourself – unconditionally. Practice extreme self-care and set healthy boundaries. Self-love is not selfish.

2. Just Stop resurfacing and rethinking the past. Don’t invest your energy in things you can’t go back and redo. Make peace with it. Get out of the past and into your life.

3. Do not make the mistake of comparing your life to others. Don’t try to walk in their shoes – you have no clue what their life’s journey is all about. Keep your feet in your own shoes and follow your own path. Discover your own life’s purpose.

4. Oh please oh please, don’t waste your precious time and energy on idle gossip.

5. Take a really good look around you. Who are you spending time with? Are they draining your energy? Clear out your heart space and physical space to make room for positive, like-minded people who will contribute to your life – not take away from it.

6. Laugh a lot, smile a lot and lighten up. Don’t take yourself so seriously. Life is more fun when we greet it with a smile.

7. Let go of the “what if’s”. Please do not bother rehearsing the future with a whole lot of “what if’s” – it never turns out like you rehearsed it – and then you have wasted every minute you were caught up in the worry of it….time you could have spent more positively.

8. Embrace your dreams and dream Big! Even while you’re awake – dream big! Working towards that dream will reignite your passion and life purpose.

9. You need to realize that there is only one person responsible for your happiness – and that person is YOU. Noone can make you feel sad or down unless YOU let them.

10. Know without a doubt that everything happens FOR you – not TO you. Problems are opportunities for personal and spiritual growth. Embrace your life. All of it.

11. Being right is not a necessity. You don’t always have to be right. It’s perfectly fine to agree to disagree. Its freeing.

12. Firmly practice mindfulness – in everything you do. Be IN the moment you are IN and not somewhere else.

13. Considerably reduce your expectations and change your perceptions. Don’t try to change things you can’t control.

14. You don’t have to have what everybody else has. Don’t long for what everybody else has. Its boring really. Know that you have everything you need and carve your own path. Envy is a wasted emotion.

15. Say NO to hatred and revenge. Life is too short to waste on these negative emotions. It’s like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. It will eat you up inside. Forgive. Then Drop it…let it go like a balloon in the sky forever.

Just think a little, imagine a little… what your life would be like if you made these choices?

What would positively change?

How would your life improve?

The bigger and more important question you need to ask yourself is…..

Do you have the courage to give it a try?

Come on…I know you have it IN you 🙂

Now its YOUR turn! Share your own Positive Tips in the comments below and lets all get HAPPY together right now! yay!!

With Immense Love & Gratitude,
Counseling Psychologist/ Spiritual Counselor
Motivational Speaker/Naturopath
Holistic Healer/Writer

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26 thoughts on “15 Positive Tips to Be Happy right NOW!

  1. What a wonderful list and it brightened my afternoon, was a bit down, read this and now I am feeling uplifted and off to walk on the beach – my happy place

    1. Darling Suzie,
      So glad this brightened your afternoon. May you be bright and positive always….right there in your happy place.
      Thank you for your loving comment here.
      Much Love~

  2. What great tips Zeenat!
    I’ve read through several times trying to find a favorite tips and can’t. All are fantastic!! I needed these reminders. Thanks so much!!

    1. Hi Betsy,
      Sometimes small provocations is all we need right 🙂
      Thank you for your awesome comment here. And by the way you are in my top favorite people list 🙂
      Much Love~

  3. Hi Zeenat,

    Lovely tips to be happy right now. I guess it all is the state of mind we choose to be in. If we choose to be happy, we can. this very moment, and if not, then that too is our choice – isn’t it?

    Thanks for sharing, and have a nice day ahead 🙂

    1. Hi Harleena,
      It is infact really a state of mind. When we can decide we need to be happy no matter what…nothing can ruffle us.
      So glad you liked this post. Thank you for your lovely comment here.
      Much Love~

  4. Hi Zeenat,
    This is a good, list to help people be happy. I would add 1 key practice; Daily gratitude can help shift us from discontent to contentment, which is the core of happiness.

    Thanks for keeping us informed and inspired. Brad

    1. Hi Brad,
      Its awesome to see you here. I have been wondering where you were at …
      I like Gratitude too and practice it daily…I guess I missed one hmm.. So no. 16 is Practice daily gratitude.
      Thank you for your insightful comment here.
      Much Love~

  5. I so needed this today!I just discovered your blog, but I’ll be back, for sure.
    I love treating myself to a nice walk and taking time to really look around. Mindfulness in action, I would say.
    I also try to “catch myself in action” when I start seeing everything from the bad angle – and re-attack with positive thoughts. Like today, I feel bummed about being in Canada but being forced to speak French and not English like I thought I would. So I think back “well, it is a unique situation. And I can surround myself with people who do speak and want to speak English.”

    1. Hi Susu!! So good to see your lovely self here 🙂
      And I love how you are catching yourself and correcting your thinking t make it more positive. Thats a great habit…and once mastered can only bring you immense happiness.
      Thank you for your lovely lovely comment here.
      Much Love~

    1. Darling Swati,
      They are simple and once you start doing them…they become even simpler cause the outcome is so happy.
      I hope you start….
      Thank you for your sweet comment here.
      Much Love~

  6. Hi Zeenat

    Your suggestions are well founded and so well put. Often a person will concentrate on the negative and then wonder why he/she isn’t happy.

    1. Hi Glynis,
      You are so right! The focus of our heart and our thoughts is such an imperative part of being happy.
      Loved your comment here.
      Much Love~

  7. So true that we hold our happiness hostage to some future event. Your advice is practical and helpful. The present moment is the only moment in which we can experience happiness. Thanks for a great article.

    1. Hi Galen,
      So glad you agree with me on this. NOW is happiness…not someday….not sometime…NOW.
      Thank you so so much for your fabulous comment here.
      Much Love~

  8. So many brilliant tips, Zeenat. Thanks for sharing these with us. I love that you mentioned to stop comparing yourself and your life. We do it all the time and it always leads to us feeling worse, doesn’t it? We are unique, have our own voice, our own story and our own purpose. We should honor that instead of focusing on not being like others.

    1. Hi Anne-Sophie,
      I feel like comparison always leads to heartache…so why bother. Embracing ourselves warts and all…is what makes us happy completely.
      I loved your thoughts here. Thank you!
      So Much Love~

  9. I had to re read it as it is such a wonderful collection of very valied points. I do most of them and still need to improve. It is us who shape our future so make it a good one! Thank you so much!

  10. Pingback: Limits: The Key to a Thriving Life | Always Well Within

  11. Being mindful and living life in the moment is something I have been focusing on lately. It is hard for me. I am always worried about the future, especially right now in my life because I am getting married and moving to another city soon and I don’t know exactly where we are going to live. I have found though, that the times when I am the most happy lately are when I am just in the moment, enjoying the company of my fiance and my dog.
    Thanks for the reminders!

  12. sullivanjoe

    Reading Shawn’s comment above; There are a few very important times in life which heighten anxiety. getting married and moving away are high on the list. It is very important to resolve anxiety before these big steps. Being truly happy does not mean closing out the anxiety. I speak from personal experience.

  13. Very true, you need to be positive now! So often we tell ourselves that we will be happy when we have more money, better job, a new car, etc. The truth is that in order to attract positive things in our lives, we have to be positive to begin with.

    Start by being positive and thankful right away for everything you already have and start each day for being grateful for everything you have already; for example, running water, air to breathe, ability to see, computer to type on, great blogs to read, friends, family, etc.

    The more you practice being greatful and happy right now, the more you will see positive things happen and additional happiness will unfold. Thanks for sharing!

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