7 Simple Steps to Setting Positive Intentions

“We must learn to reawaken and keep ourselves awake, not by mechanical aid, but by an infinite expectation of the dawn.” ~Henry David Thoreau

An intention is the starting point of everything. Every creation, every idea, every big book, every big movie, every invention, every part of your life…begins with an intention.

If I want to take a walk or read a book or meditate it begins with an intention. All things in the Universe begin with an intention. And intentions are portals to infinite possibilities.

We have all heard that what begins well ends well too, but how often do we practice this? We begin our days in a hurry and then the whole day goes in that muddled energy, and then we wonder where did our day, or week or month or life GO? What great things have we accomplished in this life? If we are honest with ourselves, we might amount to something of what we truly wanted to become, but not the whole big dream. Why? Why are we so marred in the regret of it all in the end?

The reason we only succeed half way through or can’t usually complete projects we start with such zest, is because our intention is not crystal clear. Yes, that intention that you want something to succeed needs to be so crystal clear, you should be able to feel the joy of its completion at the time of beginning it.

I believe that an intention is like a seed. The moment we plant it in fertile ground, it begins to grow into this beautiful sapling and then a full grow fruit and flower bearing plant. There is a satisfaction that comes from watching that seed grow into something so magnificent. But, the crux of it all is, that we need to nurture that seed for it to grow into something magnificent.

Here are 7 simple steps that will facilitate setting positive intentions that come to fruition. No better feeling of satisfaction than it…believe me 🙂

7 Simple Steps to Setting Positive Intentions

1} Clarify through Reflection: When we set an intention to do something, the “why” of it is imperative. If the reason to begin something is weak, the intention is weaker and the project at hand becomes weakest and never sees the light of day. So, asking yourself “why” you want to start something is the beginning of setting strong and positive intentions. Much like when we plant a seed, we see to it that the seed is of good quality and the soil is healthy too. If the reason for starting something excites you, gives you goose bumps and makes you happy, you know you have hit gold.

2} Put it on Paper: Once the intention is strong and exciting, the second step it to make it even more concrete. This is like a binding contract between you and the intention. When we write things down, our thoughts come out on the paper, but are actually leaving our minds and developing a life of their own. This act of clearly writing down your intention, makes you enter into a contract with your higher self and thereby clearing all the negativity that might arise from your monkey mind.

3} Set Only Positive Intentions: Setting intentions like, “I want to stress less.” has a negative aspect to it. Instead flip it to, “I am calm and relaxed. I know everything will work out for my greatest good.” OR Setting an intention like, “I want _______ to work out.” flip it to “I know ______will succeed.” You need to focus on the positive to keep the vibration of the intention high and for your highest good.

4} Keep Your Intentions Visible: The basic premise of setting a positive intention and for it to come to fruition is you never forgetting about it in your hectic day. Hence, after writing them down, you need to hang them in places they would be constantly visible to you. So that you never forget. This facilitates an inner energy that you are constantly giving to the intention. That is the energy that will keep you motivated to work on it daily!

5} Be Self Accountable: Setting intentions is only half the battle won, now comes the “work” to make it a reality. That work that you’re doing on a daily basis requires accountability, so as to not fall prey to complacency or lack of motivation. This is why you need to check in with yourself daily and be self accountable as to how much progress you have made. Dedicate 5 minutes a day to mentally think about how much closer you are to making that big idea a reality.

6} Enjoy The Process: Please understand that this is just a guide for you to optimize your life intentions and bring your dreams to life. You can change it up as per your needs, but never allow it to stress you out. Remember that you will keep doing something you enjoy. And since you know yourself better than anyone else, you already know how to make this process a fun and productive one. I remember at one time I made a chart for myself, with 7 days of the week and gave myself gold stickers every time I inched closer to my dream. At the end of the week, I would reward myself with a small treat just to mark the achievement. Sort of like becoming your own cheerleader. (I’ve used this chart for my daughter for many years too, to develop good habits and banish the not so good ones.) Bottom line, keep it fun!

7} Let the Universe Handle the Rest: Once you have clearly stated your intentions and started working on them, you need to trust yourself and the Universe. The outcome is usually out of our hands, or is usually different from what we expect. Hence, letting go of those expectations keeps us calmer and pleasantly surprised with whatever the outcome may be. When you have released your intentions to the fertile soil of the Universe, you just have to trust and wait for it to bear fruit when the season is right. Till then we keep nurturing it gently.

What are your thoughts on this topic? Do you have any wisdom to share on how to set positive intentions? Please share your thoughts in the comments.

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11 thoughts on “7 Simple Steps to Setting Positive Intentions

  1. Lore Raymond

    You had me at your opening quote! What I found most helpful was 5} Be Self Accountable: Setting intentions is only half the battle won, now comes the “work” to make it a reality. That work that you’re doing on a daily basis requires accountability, so as to not fall prey to complacency or lack of motivation. This is why you need to check in with yourself daily and be self accountable as to how much progress you have made. Dedicate 5 minutes a day to mentally think about how much closer you are to making that big idea a reality.”

    I probably will do this in my morning Divine Dialogue Writing time.
    As always, your offer content-rich information and inspiring memes. xxoo

    1. Cindy

      This was so helpful. I now feel fortified to look at my life and see what the future looks like for me. Thank you!!!

  2. Probably being self-accountable is still a challenge for me that I am working on, thank you for your positive simple steps, always a joy to read your posts love and hugs xxoo

  3. ckkochis2017

    I must say, I’m getting better at letting the Universe handle “the rest”. Your words are very insightful and inspiring. I always enjoy your pearls of wisdom!

  4. Debbie Hampton

    Thanks for the good reminders here. I thin setting an intention in a positive frame is important, an it shifts your mindset by just doing it. Then letting the universe handle the rest is hard because it does require trust, but this also eases anxiety and supports me. Win/win! 🙂

  5. Patience is a virtue and it has taken me time to understand that sometimes its best to do our work to the best of our abilities and let the Universe work out the rest. There is a Shloka in the Bhagvad Gita which tells us something similar. I find being on a 9 or 10 in motivation makes sure I ‘stick to the plan’.

  6. Elle Sommer

    I tend to have ‘mantras’ for my days Zeenat…which I suspect is pretty much setting an intention. Plus I always imagine my outcomes for certain experiences, which once again feels like intention setting. It’s fascinating how many ways there are for us to get to the same place. And I’m always grateful for reminders. So thank you! 🙂

  7. This is so helpful, Zeenat. I tend to be a flow person, which is good for me in one way, But in another, it would help to have the clarity that comes from setting positive intentions.

  8. Each one of these is so important and effective! I will write down that I want to draw every day for a month (it needs to be a small thing for me to start with), Since I already draw 2 times a week in a figure drawing group, this will be fun—-just a matter of setting aside a half hour to do it, Thanks, Zeenat!

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