4 Powerful Strategies to Fire Up Your Motivation!

“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.”~Zig Ziglar

Are you stuck in the same old rut, feeling uninspired, demotivated, tired, and bored?

The most common question I get asked is “how on earth do I stay motivated? I start something/a project I love and I can never finish it cause I get bored or distracted in the middle.”

Are you wondering how to gain motivation for the things you really want to/love to do? Motivation is an ongoing process, a behavior that you can nurture and expand, but motivation cannot be forced. If you are ready to live a meaningful life, then here are four powerful strategies to pump up your motivation to start acting on the goals that are important to you and your life.

4 Powerful Strategies to Fire Up Your Motivation!

1. Build Potential
Motivation flows from the heart, it does not rain down upon you. To gain motivation, first link to what you feel strongly about. Tap into an idea or goal that excites you and fires up your imagination. Allow this vision to provide a higher purpose in your life. For example, instead of trying to lose weight by following yet one more restrictive and boring diet take a closer look at the benefits you gain by participating in the action of achieving your goal. It’s not just about the weight you are moving away from, but the life, strengths, and empowerment you are moving toward. How will the process of achieving your goal change who you? Whenever you are feeling unmotivated, set your sights to the stars and focus on the pleasure of the ideas that arouse your passion.

2. Protect Your Goals Closely
There are differing opinions about how soon we should tell other people about our plans and goals. Some experts advise that we must tell others about our plans so they can support us, and so that we become more accountable and committed to following through. I personally believe that first we must nurture our goals within. Initially a goal is a tiny seed that requires tenderness, love, and security within so that it may grow roots. When your idea has sprouted some leaves, perhaps then it may be safe to share it with others who are of like mind. However, sometimes even when people want to be supportive, they may offer their support in a manner that is counterproductive. So do share your goals with others, but use discernment as to when you share, whom you will share them with, and be clear within yourself about what you hope to gain by sharing.

3. Rewards and Recognition
The journey toward reaching your goal is often a long road. It’s frequently full of experiences, challenges, obstacles, and even failures. With all this going on, we often don’t notice the change that is occurring or the progress we’ve made. Without recognition and reward, it is easy to become frustrated and even cynical about your ability to effectively reach your goal. To counter this de-motivational outcome, chart your efforts. Deliberately recognizing effort, successes, and accomplishments keeps motivation flowing. Make sure to reward yourself and your positive behaviors soon after you notice hem. This helps to show yourself consciously that you are able to make changes in your life, and that your goal can actually be achieved.

4. Manage Stress
Fear and stress are great motivators – for a very short time. That’s why yelling at yourself won’t light a spark under your butt for very long. When you are stressed, it is easy to loose the motivation that keeps you going. That’s because stress creates a sense of danger, a feeling of being overwhelmed, and a loss of focus on the bigger picture. Stress inspired actions are fight or flight generated responses that help you to deal with disaster. Taking measures to bring stress back down allows you to regain center, reconnect to the excitement that your goal carries, and discover a creative solution to help you move forward.

Come on you gorgeous souls, Fire up your motivation and live life to the fullest! You deserve it!

What are your thoughts on this topic?
How do you stay motivated? Do you have any special strategies or tips to share? Share your thoughts, queries, wisdom and tips in the comments below. Lets stay motivated! 

With Immense Love & Gratitude,
Counseling Psychologist/ Spiritual Counselor
Motivational Speaker/Naturopath
Holistic Healer/Writer

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17 thoughts on “4 Powerful Strategies to Fire Up Your Motivation!

  1. Hi Zeenat,

    I agree that we need deep motivation rooted in our heart, passions, & purpose. For the recognition I’m learning to celebrate many milestones along the way as well as the progress itself. Often the journey & process are more important than what we do or accomplish.

    And I have mixed feelings on when to share my goals. As you said, we need support and we need to nurture our dreams & goals. A mystery or case by case question!

    chuckles, Brad

    1. Hi Brad,
      Chuckles indeedy 😉 we all get mixed up at times 🙂
      Its great that you have started rewarding yourself for your many successful milestones. Feels good na 🙂 It lools like you’re already making the journey worthwhile!
      Thank you for you chucklefull comment here 🙂
      Much love~

  2. Since most great things take a while to achieve, reconnecting with and staying connected to your “why” (i.e. build potential) is essential.

    When we take daily baby steps, we’re actually moving ourselves closer to our goals than we think. It can be hard to see how far we’ve come. To help with this, I like to keep a weekly or monthly log of my results (depending on what I’m tracking). Sometimes the day-to-day changes are hardly noticeable and I wonder if what I’m doing is really making a difference. Then, at the end of the month when I record my results, I’m usually very pleasantly surprised at how far I’ve come! Reward time!

    Your fourth point is so important. I tend to stress about all the things I haven’t done yet, forgetting about all the great stuff I have already achieved. This stressing also cuts my energy, reducing what I can do in the present moment. I’m finally learning to manage my energy better by being more present, celebrating my victories and visualizing bright futures.

    Great post with some wonderful ideas! Thank you Zeenat!!

    1. Dear Paige,
      Youre a powerhouse of self motivation girl! Awesome YOU!
      I love the idea of keeping a log of your results. Its a definate way to track our success 🙂 Baby steps to greatness 😉
      I loved your comment here Paige. Youre such a ball of loving energy 🙂
      Much Love~

  3. Janaki Nagaraj

    Facing a challenge keeps me motivated and focused…I still do not have a long term goal. One step at a time.

    1. Hi Janaki!
      Many a times our little everyday goals make us reach that big dream, without us even realizing it. So tread forward slowly….that BIG goal is just around the corner 🙂
      Thank you for your lovely comment here.
      Much Love~

  4. synchronicitybridge

    ‘How will the process of achieving your goal change who you are?’

    Got to tell ya Z…I am radically different from the bag of bones that I was 10 years ago…added more piss and grit to the batch…then some tender shaking of it all up. If I were to spit into the wagon though, more likely I’d find that there won’t be a third marraige due me…yelp…lets move on!


    ‘Initially a goal is a tiny seed that requires tenderness, love, and security within so that it may grow roots.’

    “To be rooted is perhaps the most important and least recognized need of the human soul.”
    ― Simone Weil


    ‘When your idea has sprouted some leaves, perhaps then it may be safe to share it with others who are of like mind. However, sometimes even when people want to be supportive, they may offer their support in a manner that is counterproductive.’

    “They will say you are on the wrong road, if it is your own.”

    ~ Antonio Porchia


    The journey toward reaching your goal is often a long road. It’s frequently full of experiences, challenges, obstacles, and even failures. With all this going on, we often don’t notice the change that is occurring or the progress we’ve made.

    “Read super fast and we miss the beauty of the verse, or that timeless eternal line. And the book itself will soon be forgotten.” ~Uzma

    “The moment shows us- the grace of slow movement and the elegance and strength it brings.” ~Uzma


    ‘Taking measures to bring stress back down allows you to regain center, reconnect to the excitement that your goal carries, and discover a creative solution to help you move forward.’

    “Awareness and understanding of nature’s laws allow for pro-active involvement in day-to-day interactions with others. This knowledge provides a basis for dispelling negativity and fear for life is fleeting and time is precious.” ~ TT


    ‘Come on you gorgeous souls, Fire up your motivation and live life to the fullest! You deserve it!’

    “I know the trees as fountains and the stars

    Far fires fountains and your love

    A vivid fountain, and the bars

    Broken about me let me move” ~Muriel Rukeyser






    the heat of the day!

    1. Dear Rand,
      What a rich in wisdom comment! Just reading it got me all motivated 🙂
      Thank you for sharing your light here.
      Much love~

  5. All great tips! It turned out that I was sensitive to exterior stimuli, so my added tip would be “live where you should”. I am more suited to small towns, and more productive because there’s less confusion in understanding a smaller environment.

    1. Hi Mikey,
      I love “live where you should”!
      Tell you the truth, I thrive in smaller simpler places too…!ut right now am in the Big city trying to get myself rooted. Not easy, but little by little it gets satisfying 🙂
      Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing your wisdom here.
      Much love~

  6. synchronicitybridge

    Happy Easter!

    I sure can value Mikey’s wisdom “live where you should”…Wow!

    If I could, my living abodes would be 6 months on my farm (if I won the Lottery) in Clarefield, County Clare, Ireland. For peacefulness and a sense of being ‘rooted’.

    The other 6 months would be here where I could continue to be highly charged setting up the likes of a U2 concert and being backstage for it…which I have actually recieved the awesome *exterior stimuli* from in the past!

    I love wild peaceful romoteness and wild highly charged environments!

  7. Hi Zeenat,

    Sometimes sharing your ideas and projects later on, as you mentioned can give others more time to understand your thinking, so they can be more encouraging with their support. I agree completely that motivation is a step by step process and we have to work at it daily. Being organized helps as well. Clearing the clutter in whatever form gives us a direct path toward our goal. Thanks for a great post.

    1. Dear Cathy,
      I think its more about our own sense of clarity about our big dream…which is why we should take time to share it with others.
      And clearing clutter(mental or physical) is a great way to make way for that big dream to materialize.
      Thank you for your lovely comment here.
      Much love~

  8. arvinddevalia

    Zeenat, I wrote a comment here but it seems to have disappeared. Will try again!

    Great ideas here about keeping motivated.

    What helps me to stay motivated is to focus on the end goal – and keeping in mind just why I am doing something.

    Also, I love finishing things – so I continue to focus on how great I’ll feel once I have finished the task at hand:-).

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  10. Betsy at Zen Mama

    I love your suggestions! I like to keep/protect my ideas for a while, too. I think you can’t help but be influenced in the beginning especially. I also find motivation through inspirational reading material, like your blog! I think sometimes it helps if you can take a break and exercise and then come back again to finish.

    Thanks for a great post!

  11. Pingback: The Power of Community « Honestgoodadvice's Blog

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