Be a Positive Courageous Doer!

Be a Positive Courageous Doer!“Do more than belong:participate.
Do more than care:help.
Do more than believe:practice.
Do more than be fair:be  kind.
Do more than forgive:forget.
Do more than dream:work”.
~William Arthur Ward~

Life presents many many opportunities for us to DO. Do more than we ever thought we were capable of. Most of the time these opportunities pass us by cause we were too preoccupied with trivial things.

Be aware of these opportunities. You cant be aware unless you are fully present in every moment.

Once that DOING opportunity is recognized its time to simply DO! Yes, get off our back sides and do the work.

Its very very easy to sit on the side lines and complain and say “so sad” “why doesnt someone help them?”  “Why doesnt someone do something?”…and the all time favorite “tsk tsk..poor thing”…Yes, its very easy to say all those things.

Its also easy to feel whether its sympathy, empathy or sadness.

But, It takes courage to get up and actually DO something.

You can really make a difference in this world and in yourself by doing and going that extra mile.

Now the choice is upto you…

Do you want to be the one who Only feels on the side lines or the Positive Courageous Doer? Ask yourself, “What is really more satisfying to your soul?”

My question to you today: Whats your choice?? How do you plan on becoming a Positive Courageous Doer? Share your wisdom and thoughts in the comments section. I’d love love love to hear from you 🙂 

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6 thoughts on “Be a Positive Courageous Doer!

  1. As I’m contemplating what to give up/take on for Lent, this is a perfect reminder of how we can do more to show Christ’s presence in a hurting world. Thanks, Zeenat! Blessings to you!

  2. What Beautiful choice of picture and words!
    Zeenat, I have never felt on the other side, I have always tried to do whatever I can, to help, to heal, to give and forgive…I know forgiveness comes with great practice and reminders but I have realised that forgiveness is for self-healing, to detach yourself from unpleasant memories and stop thinking about them…to pass the onus to the one who hurts and also to pass it on to Almighty, who always sees.

    Thanks for one more positive nudge!

  3. Love this Zeenat! Realizing I’m a positive, courageous doer each day just by sharing my light and uplifting myself and others. There’s more to that too, like not taking anything personally and letting go of what doesn’t serve. It all comes back to Love and extending that Love!

  4. Powerful post Zeenat – it does take courage to get up and DO something. I believe taking action is so important and often where people give up. Once you are focusing on what you want in life, you must take action when inspiration strikes. Often that first movement of doing something is what gets the ball rolling! Thank you for this loving post.

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