10 Positive Resolutions for a truly Happy New Year 2013

“I think in terms of the day’s resolutions, not the year’s.”  ~Henry Moore

Each year people make and break their new year resolutions – perhaps because they focus too strongly on negatives. Give your New Year resolutions a positive splash with positive resolutions to focus on today, in the new year and everyday of your life.

It’s easy to look at the negatives. Many people are approaching the New Year with lesser money, an inflated body and a soul battered by stress and family disagreements. In your mind, the coming year looks like a year of uncertainty for all and trouble for many, especially you. But it doesn’t have to be that way. How can you make your New Year resolutions stepping stones to a positively brighter and happier year ahead?

To start off, you can resolve to approach them positively. Negativity hurts. It drains your ability to get things done and makes you doubt everything, even yourself. When you repeatedly tell yourself or others that there’s no point in trying, that the world is out to get you and others are against you, you create the conditions for hostile, damaging relationships and unproductive days ahead.

Negativity also makes others avoid you. Friendship, opportunity and success literally takes a back seat from those who are overly negative.

So avoiding negativity should be your number one resolution for LIFE. But how do you do it?

Ten Positive Resolutions

First, approach every situation looking for a way forward. Nobody has to abandon realism and go around wearing rose-coloured glasses. Positive thinking doesn’t deny what is wrong or unhelpful, but instead looks for ways to transform the situation. So resolve that you will always look for a way forward, however difficult the situation.

For instance, if you are worried about being laid off at work, or about having to lay off a staff member, you should look at what skills you/they have that will be useful to new employers. How can those skills best be presented? Is there an opportunity for coaching or mentoring, to help with job searches and interviews? Offer yourself and others ways to move on from difficult situations, and you’ll see positive results.

1) Resolve to Be Honest and Respectful

Resolve to be honest, because dishonesty is always negative – but be honest in a positive way. Say what you truly mean, but keep it based on fact. Avoid personal comment and gossip. Speak well of others whenever possible, and speak well of yourself too.

Respect others enough to assume that they mean well unless there is evidence to the contrary. For example, if someone makes a negative or dismissive remark about your work, don’t take it personally and fire off a negative snappy response. Instead, think about the remark for a moment, and see if there is anything you can learn from it. Let the other person know that you appreciate their being so open with you, but say calmly that you found their approach very confrontational. (Some people are genuinely unaware that they come across as aggressive.)

Being positive doesn’t mean you are a doormat – it means you are a strong person who can assess the meaning of someone’s words without being distracted by their mode of expression.

2) Resolve to Be a positive role model

Resolve to make yourself a positive role model for others. Be the person who always looks for the good in others, points out their skills and acknowledges their contributions. Speaks to them as you would like to be spoken to, and don’t allow the negativity of others to draw you into a destructive game of tit-for-tat.

3) Resolve to Avoid Assumptions

Treat situations the same way you intend to treat people. Whether it’s a family argument or a situation at work, don’t just steam in making snap judgments and assigning responsibility. Take a moment to assess the situation, ask questions and find out what’s really happening. Make sure you understand before you act. Think with love and negative assumptions will never crop up.

4) Resolve to Be Forgiving

We’re all going to make mistakes. It’s the way we learn. Think of how mothers deal with babies – small children need to be encouraged to try things again and again, testing out different methods, being gently encouraged until they master the skills of standing, walking, sorting shapes and so on. Adults are no different. Even if things are clearly explained and support is provided, there will be mistakes. Forgive mistakes – including your own. Make sure you and everyone involved understands why they happened, and don’t use them as sticks to beat others. That way you’ll support everyone’s creativity and build love and trust in your relationships with those around you.

5) Resolve to Be Trusting

Learn to trust in the choice or decision to make a change. Practice respect for the confidentiality of decisions and choices. It is often important not to tell everyone about a New Year’s resolution right away. Maintain a safe space for the change by holding its ember tenderly in the heart for a while. It will be clear when the time for sharing is right.

6) Resolve to let Beginner’s Mind Emerge

Be open to new ideas on how to accomplish desired changes. Allow the mind to relax and be open to approaching a change in new and fresh ways. Let spontaneous ideas and insights emerge. Think about other goals and successes that have been achieved? What fueled those successes? Are there new and innovative ways of achieving this goal that have not yet been tried?

7) Resolve to Be Accepting

Fix what is broken and don’t fix what ain’t. Somethings may have to wait until after the holidays, but I have spent the last few months replacing all my old and terrible appliances that never did work properly. Many small electronics were over ten years old and I decided I was no longer going to fight the electric cord, antenna, door latch, lint filter or whatever else brought irritation into my otherwise calm existence. I also learned to live with that which was comfortable like an old pair of shoes, my favorite beat-up chair and limited pre-paid cell phone service. Acceptance is key to success and happiness.

8 ) Resolve to Surround yourself with Positivity

Keep in the company of positive people. Book stores are always brimming with happy people. I have never seen an unhappy face that was out shopping early in the morning for fresh produce. Religious places are always happy during off-hours, mid-week and when attended by desire and not obligation.  Positive situations and positive people, make your vibrations go higher. Even if you have had a bad day, a few minutes surrounded by this kind of positivity can uplift you to no measure. Add one positive act, event or person to your day, everyday.

9) Resolve to Be Productive positively

It is very easy to get off track when a crises or problem arises that we feel must be addressed. By making a mission statement for yourself you will be more apt to stay the course during any trial. For example producing work which is edifying to yourself and others only. Money is important, but we have all learned the hard way during the “pay later heyday” that a bird in the hand is better than two in the bush and that quality and sustainability are more important than quantity and risk. Passion will raise your productivity positively.

10) Resolve to Give and Receive Self Acknowledgment

Look for ways to authentically acknowledge the inner self. Practice the art of supporting specific achievements in growth. Applaud when small successes are achieved on the journey toward realizing a goal or a New Year’s resolution. It doesn’t take a lot of fanfare. Simply say quietly to the inner mind, “Wow, great job”!

Using the Ten Resolutions Everyday

You can apply these resolutions – to any situation in your life everyday!

Maybe you resolved to lose weight last year and were unsuccessful. This year, look at the positive, not the negative. Instead of focusing on ‘losing’, look at your diet and lifestyle and decide on a couple of changes that will make you healthier and help you have more energy. You might resolve to replace sweetened drinks with water and walk or cycle to work at least two days a week. Respect yourself and be honest – don’t kid yourself that you can change your body without changing your lifestyle a little. Don’t assume that you will fail – find out about different ways of approaching the issue and work out why you didn’t succeed and what might help you this time. Forgive yourself for not being a size six, or whatever, and understand what would be a realistic goal in terms of your own health and lifestyle.

There are many wonderful lifestyle and attitude guides, but none of them can help you unless you resolve to approach your life positively. Every person has untapped ability and potential that can be released with the support of positive thinking.

This year, resolve to banish negativity and help yourself to a truly Happy New year and New Life.

For last year’s words belong to last year’s language
And next year’s words await another voice.
And to make an end is to make a beginning.
~T.S. Eliot, “Little Gidding”

What are your thoughts on this topic? Have you made any positive resolutions for the new year and a new life? Share your thoughts and your resolutions in the comments below.

Note: This is an article I wrote 2 years back…but is still amazingly relevant to ring in the new year.

With Immense Love & Gratitude,
Counseling Psychologist/ Spiritual Counselor
Motivational Speaker/Naturopath
Holistic Healer/Writer

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25 thoughts on “10 Positive Resolutions for a truly Happy New Year 2013

  1. Very timely Zeenat, as I plan for an exceptional year with focus as my word for the year. I love the 10 resolution and i think I may make a poster i have on or by my compter and in my gratitude journal to remind myself of daily. Namaste

    1. Yay Suzie! I love that youre choosing your word for the new year. Its incredibly powerful.
      I would love to look at that poster when you have it up 🙂
      May you be fully blessed this coming year and always.
      Much love~

    1. Hi! So glad you liked my positive resolution here. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your energy here. I hope you have an amazingly positive year ahead.
      Much Love~

  2. Wonderful list Zeenat!

    Though an older post, but still worth gold as they say! You reminded me of my wish list and resolution’s I’d written last year too, and isn’t it fun coming back to these and seeing just how much of it have you really accomplished 🙂

    Thanks for sharing, and wishing you a very Happy New Year. 🙂

    1. Hi Harleena,
      It is fun coming back to what we thought we could do once…and it still holds so much value. More like positive reminders of things forgotten along the years.
      Thank you for your lovely comment here.
      Much Love~

  3. Fantastic list and true every year. I never make special new years resolutions but I am changing my life constantly as I get older.
    Thank you for sharing and a happy new year to you from Ute x

    1. HI Ute!
      I agree with you…change especially positive change should be constant and not reserved for one day of the year.
      Happy new year to you too darling. And thank you for your lovely comment here. Love your energy.
      Much Love~

  4. Season’s greetings Zeenat,

    I agree with utesmile. This is definitely the perfect list for every year.

    3) Resolve to Avoid Assumptions reminds me I need to break the making assumptions and leaping to conclusions habit in the new year.

    Wishing you all the best in 2013.

    1. Hi TiTi,
      Seasons greetings to you too!
      I have to admit, I have that assumptions slip too..and have to make an effort to avoid them too. No one is perfect right. We are all constantly evolving…
      May this new year bring about more positive change within us and around us.
      Thank you for your lovely comment here.
      Much Love~

    1. Hi David,
      I intent to be a Positive loving force to reckon with in 2013 😉 So I HAVE to keep these positive resolutions in constant check.
      Happiest new year to you David.
      Much Love~

  5. synchronicitybridge

    “For last year’s words belong to last year’s language
    And next year’s words await another voice.
    And to make an end is to make a beginning.”
    ~T.S. Eliot, “Little Gidding”

    …and T. S. Eliot was a great admirer of Simone Weil who wrote in Gravity and Grace:

    “Grace fills empty spaces but it can only enter where there
    is a void to receive it, and it is grace itself which makes this void.”

    “Man only escapes from the laws of this world in lightning
    flashes. Instants when everything stands still, instants of contem-
    plation, of pure intuition, of mental void, of acceptance of the
    moral void. It is through such instants that he is capable of the

    “When pain and weariness reach the point of causing a sense of
    perpetuity to be born in the soul, through contemplating this
    perpetuity with acceptance and love, we are snatched away into

    “If we go down into ourselves we find that we possess exactly
    what we desire.”

    May you end this year in peace.

    May you fill each new day with grace…

    1. Dear Rand,
      This is such a wonderful comment here. I loved all the quotes you shared. The depth of each was truly felt. Thank you!
      May this coming year bring you immense happiness and peace. Thank you for being such wonderful source of inspiration this year Rand..and I hope you are here to cheer me on in 2013 too 🙂
      Much Love~

    1. Hi Sandi,
      I have some work cut for me too darling. May we both be positively inclined in the New year.
      So glad you liked this post. Thank you for your awesome comment here.
      Much Love~

  6. Zeenat, I love your post! I felt so positive as a result of reading it. Your points about accepting everyone, not making assumptions, not engaging in gossip, speaking the truth in love, and accepting life as it comes are all going to stay with me as I enter 2013.

    1. Hi Steve,
      Lovely seeing you here 🙂
      I love that this post is influencing you in a positive way. Here is wishing you a happyfull and lovefull 2013.
      Thank you for your lovely comment here. Made me smile.
      Much Love~

  7. jdmeier

    Beautiful list.

    I’m a big believer that one of the best ways to lighten your load is to practice the art of true forgiveness. Grudges and bad will are a bad load for everyone, but mostly the bearer.

  8. Pingback: The Heart of December: Dream Carefully! | Always Well Within

  9. #2 is a super important one for me this year, as I’m a new pseudo-stepmomma with a pair of impressionable eyes and ears watching and listening to everything I do! It’s my goal to resonate positivity, light and love as a great model for him, and for everyone! A related quote I love is: “Wherever you stand, be the soul of that place.” by Rumi. What kind of soul do we want to be? 🙂

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