Let’s Review Your Joyfulness Quotient

Review Your Joyfulness Quotient“Be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars. In the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul.” ~Max Ehrmann

In our rush to meet the daily obligations of work, family, and social life, we tend to overlook our own needs. As a result, we feel exhausted to the point of emptiness. What’s missing is a relationship with ourselves. We need time to get to know ourselves, time to joyfully nurture our spirits, and time to create.

Wondering if you are doing a decent job of taking care of yourself – or how your self caring could be improved? Review the following questions, and reflect on your answers. Chances are you are struggling in at least a few of the realms where self-care is most important: a satisfying diet, physical activity, solitude, and reflection.

Review Joyful Eating

“Plant your own garden and decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.”~Veronica A. Shoffstall

How often do you cook creative or enjoyable meals for yourself?

Do you eat fruits and vegetables everyday – not because you have to, but because you feel more alive when you choose foods that provide energy and life?

Do you eat regular, healthy meals – or do you skip meals and reach for junk food?

Do you enjoy the physical sensations involved in peaceful eating?

Do you eat some meals in the company of friends and family?

How often do you use food, caffeine, sugar, or alcohol to make yourself feel better?

When you are thirsty, do you get something to drink immediately, or do you ignore your need, take care of something else first, or delay?

Do you clear your plate of situations that drain your energy?

Review Your Joyful Body

“If you can learn to love yourself and all the flaws, you can love other people so much better. And that makes you so happy.”~ Kristin Chenoweth

Do you engage in fun or enjoyable physical activity most days of the week?

When was the last time you had a massage or a long bath?

Are you in touch with your boundaries and your bottom line?

Do you express your desires, concerns, and limits to all people in your life, most of the time?

If you are tired, do you rest or do you keep pushing?

Do you get too much sleep because you want to escape life, or you just don’t have enough energy?

Do you enjoy your own company?

How often do you laugh everyday?

Review Your Joyful Spirit

“I love myself for I am a beloved child of the universe and the universe lovingly takes care of me now.”~ Louise Hay

Do you have a nurturing morning routine that helps you align with the goals and activities that are most important to you?

Do you let your family members know exactly what you need from them?

Are you satisfied with your work choices?

Can you be counted on to keep your word – to others and to yourself?

Do you allow yourself to go outdoors for at least an hour every day?

Do you spend time listening to your emotions and expressing them in a self-supportive way (good cry, communication, feeling your fear or joy, journal writing)?

Do you have a hobby that rejuvenates you? If so, do you spend time with your hobby?

Do you celebrate your efforts and successes on a daily basis?

Do you talk to yourself in a supportive, uplifting manner?

How often do you take time to reflect and feel at peace?

You STILL need care and nurturing!

Even though you are an adult now, you still need care and nurturing. Only now, it’s your responsibility to see that your needs get met. No one else can do it for you. As you take specific steps to make self-care a priority, you’ll not only feel better you will also have more energy, creativity, and vitality to share with life!

And what a glorious life that will be!

When you read the above questions, how were your answers, in the affirmative or not so much? Please do share your thoughts, comments and questions in the comments sections below. Its always my pleasure to hear your thoughts. 

❤ Thank you SO much for your presence here! If this article touched your heart, please share it on your favorite social networks. Every share, like or tweet makes me reach more people who need a positive healing nudge in their lives. I appreciate you! And, If you’re new, please subscribe for free updates by email. Love always, ~Zeenat~

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5 thoughts on “Let’s Review Your Joyfulness Quotient

  1. cathytaugh

    Very uplifting questions to remember to practice self-care and bring joy into our lives. I love this line under Joyful Eating – Do you clear your plate of situations that drain your energy?

    I will definitely save this one! Thank you, Zeenat.

  2. My husband and I recently talked about the joy that underpins our day-to-day life. (There have been times — both individually and as a couple — that other words would have been selected.) I love your questions — they show me some areas where we can improve. Thanks for a lovely post.

  3. Self-care is a must. You are so right that even as adults we need care and nurturing — and sometimes the only person that can give it to us is ourselves. Thanks for the reminders and the thought provoking questions.

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