5 Power-Packed Ways to BE Extraordinary NOW!

5 Power-Packed Ways to BE Extraordinary NOWIn a perfectly ordinary day “the extraordinary” happens every time. BE The Extraordinary NOW. ~Z

We are each extraordinary in our own special way! We are…we really are!

When we become open to our own extraordinary abilities and embrace them, we will have reignited that powerhouse within our-self to become the best and happiest versions of our-self.

But HOW?? hmm…that is the question that has been asked a million times over..by extraordinary people in hiding.

Great people like Lincoln, Gandhi, Shakespeare, Tolstoy, Dickens, Van Gogh, Leonardo Da Vinci, Monet, Socrates, Stephen Hawking, Picasso, Einstein, Newton………
Do you think they Knew when they were born, what they were going to Become? How Legendary they were going to become? But they did eventually Become Extraordinary.

The Sole Reason they became Extraordinary is because they had complete and utter BELIEF in their abilities. If you read their life stories you will notice, that none of them became legendary easily. They all had to go through many many hardships like social pressures, physical issues and most of all the lack of understanding from those close to them….they each have NOT become legends without learning along the way, how to keep their passions alive.

We are each Extraordinary Legends in the making. This life is a learning ground that teaches us so many lessons each day. Learning and rising above these speed bumps on the way is what Extraordinary really means.

To kick start your own EXTRAORDINARY Journey right NOW here are 5 power-packed ways that work wonders:

5 Power-Packed Ways to BE Extraordinary NOW

1} Dream BIG: Our Dreams are what give us hope. They make us work towards them. They nudge us positively. Dream Big Big dreams. Visualize YOU already having attained your dream right now. IN this moment KNOW that YOU are awesome. Hold that feeling and then go about your day. You will notice the skip in your step, the boost in your thoughts and the overflowing passion in your heart. You will be extraordinary everyday.

2} Plan SMALL: Paradox to dream big hmm…not really. Every extraordinary Dream requires a plan. Just not those huge elaborate ones. Work in small Baby Steps. Make your plan just for today. Ask yourself- “Right now in this moment, what do I need to do to attain my Big Dream?” The answer is what will be your step by step plan. Every-time you are stuck do this. Ask yourself. You KNOW exactly what you have to do to be Extraordinary…just ask yourself.

3} Be YOU: In the need to be Extraordinary, to be great we start emulating people who already are. In doing so sometimes we forget or sideline our true selves. When really the “extraordinary” part of YOU is in being authentically YOU. Learn from great people, but Be only YOU. Cause you are unique and what you bring to this world, no-one else can.

4} Simplify EVERYTHING: When you simplify your life and yourself, you leave very little room for confusion or clutter… be it physical or emotional. Ridding yourself of negative pressures of the outside world, works very well in bringing out your Extraordinary side. You will not be afraid to try something new. You will not second guess yourself. You will Believe in YOU completely.

5} Smile WIDE: Ever noticed how your heart always is attracted to another person who is smiling? The reason for this attraction is the fact that happiness attracts happiness. You Will smile back even if you are in the grumpiest mood, when someone genuinely flashes you a smile. Be the initiator of that magnetic Smile, for it creates a chain of extraordinary happiness. Even in your small way, you are becoming the initiator of happiness…and that is extraordinary and so very simple.

There is no rocket science to being Extraordinary. Just the right doses of BELIEF and HOPE.

Tell yourself right now: “NOW, RIGHT NOW, I AM READY TO BE EXTRAORDINARY!”

What are your thoughts on this article? Do you have any ways to bring out that Extraordinary side? What is Your Extraordinary power? Share your beautiful thoughts in the comments below.

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With Immense Love & Gratitude,

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18 thoughts on “5 Power-Packed Ways to BE Extraordinary NOW!

  1. raghib1

    Awesome post Zeenat! I agree with everything. These are all very simple, and seemingly ordinary things to do, but they truly do lead to extraordinary outcomes when done consistently. One just has to look at any successful person closely to realise that those 5 power-packed ways are legitimate.

    Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi Raghib,
      We are all so inclined on making everything SO complicated…when in reality happiness is simple. I like how you say “These are all very simple, and seemingly ordinary things to do, but they truly do lead to extraordinary outcomes when done consistently.”
      True that!
      Thank you for sharing your wonderful thoughts here.
      Much Love~

  2. I love the idea of wearing a smile, Zeenat. (Of course, the other ideas are wonderful, too!) But, when we radiate happiness, we not only give it to others, but to ourselves as well. Happiness and gratitude are the gifts which keep on giving!

  3. I completely agree with you Zeenat, the extraordinary powers lie within us, we only have to unleash those powers…self-belief can do wonders along with a little ‘planning’, as you have rightly pointed out. Thanks for another inspiring post!

  4. Oh Z! You had me at “We are each extraordinary in our own special way! We are…we really are!” And you my friend are super awesome extraordinary! I love the whole paradox of Dream Big Plan Small. I have this Scary Big, Audacious, Dream (and no, it’s not to take over the Universe) and the only way for me to get there is to take small steps. Sometimes it’s a mis-step or a backwards slide, but then I’m just dancing, right? Onward and Upward!! Keep being awesome Z!! xoxo peggy

    1. Peggy darling, You make me blush with all those compliments 🙂 But I love them so keep them coming 😉
      By the way we should both really consider taking over the Universe and be Magical love giving fairies. No hate resides in a world taken over by love..right?!
      I this those mis-steps are what keep the whole getting to the BIG dream interesting and fun. To mis-steps and slides that spiral us only UP!
      Thank you for stopping by and for sharing your AMAZingggg energy here.
      Much Love~

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